Separate names with a comma.
Upside $TTWO @$124.51, $AAPL @$173.57, $GIS @$89.81, $CAH @$83.20 and $UBER @$37.75 Downside $PNC @$116.18, $COF @$88.01, $TFC @$28.69, $PFC...
$SPX calls $4105.00 @ $2.40 exp 04 may avg @$1.30 broke even, it did go past $1.30. just had to concentrate on main acc. into close picked up a...
:horse: @ $KSS
I'm having problems posting charts so just do your own DD and again these are my ideas not advice. These are to the downside: One of the free...
I'm going to start putting plays that I do in my main account these are straight stock buys and small options play the opt play are mostly monthly...
$SPY $416.00 20 calls exp28 .39c avg [email protected] this was for a different trade. correction avg in was ..17c wtf this some fucked up shit when I...
picked up $4170.00 exp 28 apr $SPX @.50c 10cts. not holding this overnight...up $2.50/ct sold cash @$27039.75
Into the close bought $SPX $4100.00 exp 27 apr @$1.25 cts sold 5cts @$ @$24539.75 wtf that's a lot of money left on the table. lol...
sold $NUGT @$46.00 cash now @$19414.75
waiting for CCR @10:00am if its positive then $SPX $4130.00 calls in play. will update CC red no trade on walk in the park day.
$SPX $4145.00 calls @$5.30 2cts serious rug pull out @$4.25 loss of $210.00 the rug pull could be because of Dallas BI (23.4) the meeting was...
$SPX above $4132.00 will play to the $4145.00 - $4150.00 lets see where it opens and the trend if the trend is down then below $4125.00 play down...
$SPX $4150.00 5 calls@$2.35 I'm looking at selling and wait till Yellen finish her blah blah sold @$3.35 playing a lotto to the downside but...
5 call cts $SPX $4165.00 @.90c need to get $4147.69 out @$1.75 profit $425.00 if you got out north of $3.00 congrats. I was busy with some...
$SPX $4165.00 @$2.25 1 ct 2 days in a row loss acc cash standing $4899.75. going to keep trading $SPX till Friday. got $899.75 to make or gain...
Back from a short break, this is where the accountant stands, $NUGT 300shs @ $41.25 cash @ $5109.75. New name on the trading desk $SPX since we...
going into next week with $SPY $390.00 puts 50cts @.14c.... 06 apr exp and $NUGT 300shs @$41.25. 03 apr into close picked up $422.00 $SPY calls...
$SPY $397.00 calls in @.71 avg @.50 ugly day, so been buying $405.00 calls for 31/03 exp, got 50cts so far will look tomorrow see if more cts...
@bigbear0083... I just saw your thread I tend to stay in my lane but figure I would chime in your thread with a bit of a similar experience and...
$SPY $392.50 exp 24 mar in @$1.25 sold @$2.10 had to run an errand. acc@ $17,634.75