Separate names with a comma.
that being said, things are getting a little overextended on a technical aspect. like at some point we’re just going to be due for a bounce...
with the collapse this afternoon, it looks like the spx has now joined in with the other majors in correction territory off -10% from ATHs. ngl,...
nice entry. getting a bump here in the final hour as of now. looks like that break below 5600 just a bit ago got a little too oversold in the...
it'll be interesting to see how this correction plays itself out. tbh, i'm feeling a little skeptical this actually makes it into bear territory....
btw, here is just a quick visual of the markets pullback levels from their respective 52wk highs for those keeping score at home. as was...
wow it's been a while since we've had a trending down day. basically you had the market open lower and just kinda cascading down throughout the...
think we get the nfp’s tomorrow AM. i’m wondering how much of the bad news is now priced into this market. the nasdaq recently entered an official...
btw frank, sent ya a private msg here not sure if you got a chance to read it yet.
welcome back frank! it’s really good to see you posting again. :) i've been mia from the markets for a bit but should be making a return pretty soon.
great call here :thumbsup:
^ this 1000% also did money123 really cross-post that to 3 different threads? :confused:
Now that we finally got the FED out of the way today, I suspect things could be headed for a bit of a lul period in the market (absent a black...
man, the markets have been seeing some pretty wicked swings lately lol. i don't know if there was much in the CPI report this AM that would change...
yea, have really missed a lot of those guys bigly. most of them never made the switch from the old hsm community. i have lots of fond memories...
Pres. debate tonight. Not sure if we’ll see any meaningful reaction to that. Maybe a little in the futures markets tonight. I think we get...
^ This 1000%! Couldn’t have stated that any better. :thumbsup: Stock1234 is (imho) what WXYZ is on the long term investor thread. He is the...
Just wanted to drop by here real quick to give some major love and appreciation to W and all the other regulars who frequent and contribute to...
Damn, I can’t believe we’re now through the Labor Day holiday (aka the unofficial end to the summer). Sad! Feels like time is just racing on by...
Gonna be going MIA for the next couple as we near the unofficial close to summer. Final summer vacay upcoming and all.. Let’s get some weekend...
next week’s ERs per WSB i guess all eyes on wednesday after the close :p [IMG]