03 Mar 2024 Ludicrous Returns Stock Model Update

Discussion in 'Trade Journals' started by Ludicrous Returns, Mar 3, 2024.

  1. Ludicrous Returns

    Jan 1, 2024
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    Stocks sold this week: LUNR, CXDO, FLUX, SRTS

    LUNR (Intuitive Machines) really had a fall as of Monday morning open, no punt intended. Talk about a roller coaster of news for this stock. On Thursday 2/22, the stock was popping upward from the break-through that its vehicle landed on the moon. However, when news that the lunar vehicle it developed tipped on its side, the stock tanked at Monday morning. As you know from last week, the model stop sell price was set to $ 8.11 from the weekend before Monday morning market open. If you were trading to the model, perhaps you got to enjoy the chance to sell at or near $ 7.63 Monday market open, before the stock continued to tumble down to $ 5.85. That’s why it’s important to use the stop sell orders in the current holding portfolio table. For those forums that don’t have the table insert, I took the extra effort to put the stop sell in parenthesis.

    Sell Now Triggers: DOCN, HOLI, IAC, MELI, NMG, NOW, SLAB, WDAY

    SLAB is selling because the stock price pattern featured two near vertical (<10% from vertical axis line) spike declines of at least 10% drop from spike peak within a 4-month period, which is a model sell and do not buy technical analysis rule. The first formed a stock price low of $ 135.45 on 1/5/24, which was an 11.0% drop from peak of $ 135.45 (peak that preceded the low). On 2/6, a low stock price close of 118.30 represented an 11.6% drop from preceding peak of 133.84. My apologies, I should have plugged these parameters in my model and not purchased the stock to begin with. I’m still practicing the model concepts since I finished developing and testing it last year.

    IAC is a sell trigger because the 200D shifted from an incline to a decline, which is another sell trigger in my model. The reason is, in all the statistical analysis I’ve done studying stock patterns from 1970 – 1920, a 200D decline is a highly reliable indicator of poor performance in the days ahead.

    Why am I choosing to sell other stocks including high performer NOW and HOLI? I brought NOW last year, and it gained quite a bit. The only reason I’m selling NOW and HOLI right now is because the price growth potential is not as great as new stock opportunities identified in new buy triggers today and also stock buy opportunities in the coming days ahead. In times that are as bullish as the present to lots of buy opportunities developing, I calculate a performance score using my model, which helps guide me to the stocks of greatest growth potential. I’m selling NMG for now for the same reason, to prioritize capital. While the graphite miner has great long-term potential, I’m going to wait for the technical analysis pattern to develop the proper buy.

    Stock Model Buy Triggers this week:
    2/27 Buy Triggers
    (as reported earlier): TSN, ZD, AMRN, NNVC
    2/29 Buy Triggers: TASK, BAND, OKTA
    New Buy Now Triggers (3/1):
    Low price (<$5 Stocks): NKTR, HYLN, ATHA
    ‘> $ 5 stocks: CDNA, CROX, TOST, ETN, VMEO, HPK

    Task is in the IT industry, but more specifically, it provides digital outsourcing services for managing customer care, customer service, customer acquisition for sales growth, content security, and digital advertising. The data collected through managing this process is than organized and acquisitioned for artificial intelligence solutions. This company is in the right place for what I believe will be a HUGE growth industry ahead. Companies have a strong desire to assemble information and develop there own artificial intelligence tools to help win in the market place by growing sales strategically, and help their employees with assistance tools to be super quick and productive. A lot of companies would rather develop their own AI intelligence from business operations vs. using an open platform which involves giving away their data (and potentially allowing customers see their own intelligence)
    What else enables AI? Lots and lots of data transmitted from cloud to several portals. BAND is a stock that suits this need and it’s starting a new high growth cycle. This stock has had stock price head fakes before, but maybe this time, it will achieve some significant growth in the weeks ahead.

    OKTA specializes in network security, which is in high demand with lots of growth ahead due to all the risks of security recently.
    NKTR is a biotechnology company that has developments in cancer treatment. HYLN is another low-price stock that does involve high risk, however it is starting a new stock price growth pattern and triggering a buy on my model. The company specializes in electric propulsion for semis, which has potential to be a next big thing.
    CROX is always a solid revenue company in the shoe industry. I expect solid growth ahead.
    TOST is a stock with big growth fundamentals in my business. Food ordering software is a targeted growth industry. With more automation being introduced to collect orders, make the food, and deliver, this is a great growth opportunity ahead.
    I know VMEO has been brought and sold a few times. However, it’s secured cloud platform to store and retrieve videos is likely to have great growth ahead. We shall see if the stock price follows through on a growth cycle this time around.

    Stocks close to a buy trigger (3/1)
    INO has some great growth potential. If this stock returned to it’s former high of $ 150, that could be a 15-fold gain in investment. I’m just waiting for the 200D to flash and incline, and this stock will be mine!

    Current model owned stocks as of 3/3 (stop sell price):
    AMAT (158.61), AMD (147.93), APP (55.88), ALGN (292.71), ASPN (14.39), AUDC (11.97), AVIR (3.90), AZZ (57.39), BEAM (32.90), BLCN (24.62), BSX (56.28), CAT (297.31), CCCC (8.02), CDRE (29.27), CFLT (28.97), CGNT (6.27), CHKP (148.39), CLS, (36.26), COIN (153.72), CRH (62.82), CRM (241.40), CTLT (51.71), CYBR (206.27), DASH (95.38), DIS (106.06), DKS (153.83), ELF (158.70), EME (233.59), ENSG (104.82), FATE (5.74), GDDY (88.86), GKOS (83.10), GRPN (15.72), GTLB (63.82), GWRE (96.97), HBI (4.45), HRTX (2.24), HUBB (333.46), IBM (152.08), INFA (25.83), IR (72.05), ISRG (365.58), JMIA (5.12), KOD (4.48), META (381.45), MHK (97.61), MOD (72.17), MSFT (370.27), MSTR (787.95), NET (79.67), NEU (499.21), NMR (4.53), NTGR (13.55), NTNX (54.27), NVDA (603.35), NXT (46.78), OSG (4.97), POWL (135.25), PRAX (38.69), PWR (218.73), QTWO (40.66), SKYE (12.21), SPRB (4.14), SPXC (91.26), SQ (61.75), TARA (3.56), TATT (10.39), TDG (941.61), TT (221.90), UBER (61.86), UGP (4.87), V (255.55), VMC (235.58), VRNS (43.95), VRT (58.56), VST (39.81), VTEX (7.09), WIRE (209.05), ZBRA (255.60)
    Quantity of current Holdings: 88
    Less: Sell Now Stock Quantity -6
    Stock Buys 9
    New Stock Quantity 91
    Ludicrous Stock Model Portfolio:
    91% invested in stocks, and 9% in cash

    Market Status Update Ludicrous Market timing model status is green. For portfolios restricted to equity index ETFs, I recommend to be fully invested in equity at present time.

    Happy Investing,
    Ludicrous Returns
  2. Ludicrous Returns

    Jan 1, 2024
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    Ludicrous Returns:3 new buys for today (04MAR 2024 after market close): INO, STRC, CCI

    INO was very close to a buy as mentioned yesterday. STRC (Sarcos Technology and Robotics Corporation) designs, develops, and manufactures advanced robotic systems used to revolutionize a variety of industries. I would call this the buy of the year. 2022 stock price of $ 20 / share is 11.6 times current closing price of 1.72! I’ve been waiting for CCI to flash an incline and meet all the buy requirements for a buy on this health insurance stock.

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