04 AUG 2024 Ludicrous Returns Stock Model Update

Discussion in 'Trade Journals' started by Ludicrous Returns, Aug 3, 2024.

  1. Ludicrous Returns

    Jan 1, 2024
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    Stocks recently sold: AOSL, AVGO, BEAM, BLNK, CGNX, CHWY, EBS, GKOS, GLW, IMMR, MTX, OLED, XP, VIR
    Obviously, this past week was a turbulent one, driving stock model sell triggers on both stocks that were purchased recently and stocks purchased a while ago.

    SPP22 is a Ludicrous stock model sell rule that is triggered when two near vertical line stock price drops that involve at least 10% or more declines from a peak to a low. For AOSL, the first occurred when a low of 41.10 occurred on 7/25 close, which marked a 10.4% vertical line decline from a peak of 45.87 (7/23 stock price close). When another peak of 43.53 occurred, then the SPP22 sell price becomes 39.18 (second peak of 43.53 – 10%). If you are astute to catch this peak and update your stop sell order after market close on 7/29, on you can recognize a sell price of 39.18 on 7/30 during market hours.

    AVGO sold at the target stop sell of 146.06 on 7/30.

    My apologies about the purchase of BEAM. It wasn’t ready for the buy. We’ll have to wait for it to re set it self up for an upswing.

    BLNK sold to the stop sell order as the stock price declined and crossed below the 200-D moving average.

    CGNX sold at target stop sell price of 44.59 on 8/1. This is an example of why I love the model stop sell rules. This logic provided the opportunity to sell at this price while the stock was continuing a sharp decline to close the week at 38.22.

    BROS became a sell after market close on 7/30, when the 10D declined and crossed below the 50D. It was this pattern feature in combination with other bad pattern attributes such as the vertical line declines of the stock price pattern on a one-year chart, the stock price volatility, the decline of the 10D moving average, which all added up to a poor technical analysis score to drive action to sell.

    CHWY also showed patterns of weak technical analysis features to drive action to sell.

    EBS was a really nice short term performer. The technical analysis model triggered a buy on 5/31, buying at 5.64 on 6/3 market open. The stock sold at target stop sell price of 10.78 on 8/1, generating a 91% return.

    GKOS sold at target sell price of 108.75 during market open on 8/1.

    On 7/30, GLW 10-D average line started showing a steep decline, less than 25 degrees from a vertical line drawn on a 1-year chart. When this pattern combination exists, a sell trigger occurs to sell the stock at next market day open.

    Sell Now Triggers: AEYE, BCRX, CLB, EVGO
    Since EVGO rose 10% above it’s former 6-12 month peak, 3.71 closing stock price on 12/27/23, there is an SPP21 sell rule that applies. This rule is that the stock price must exceed the former 6-12 month peak stock price close by at least 3%, or 3.77. Because the closing price of 3.77 on 02 AUG market close is equal to, and does not exceed 3.77, it is a trigger to sell. Hopefully this is a short term sell. This stock still has a lot of solid growth potential.
    AEYE is another stock with great growth potential, however, it is currently showing bad pattern attributes. When this occurs, it’s best to watch the stock from the side lines and buy when the stock pattern cleans itself up.
    CLB is forming too many steep vertical line drops in the stock price pattern, driving action to sell.
    When BCRX corrected and began to decline this past week, it fell into a 6-12 month horizontal pattern, driving action to sell.

    Stock Model Recent Buy Triggers: There were no new buy triggers this past week after Monday’s buys.

    New Buy Now Triggers: OMCL


    Current model owned stocks (stop sell price):
    Updated stop sell orders calculated from technical analysis model output.
    ALKT (27.56), AVPT (9.37), BALY (15.45), BJ (82.79), BSX (71.87), CCI (103.82), CDMO (8.92), CLFD (36.83), DSGN (4.09), EVR (201.99), GDDY (133.19), ICUI (114.17), INVA (17.28), ISRG (406.60), MMM (98.18), PCT (6.31), QTWO (58.98), REGN (1008.25), TASK (15.21), TJX (103.06), TSEM (37.09), TT (311.86), UI (147.65), VERX (34.08), VIRT (22.66), VRSK (254.42), WES (37.12), ZUMZ (21.77)

    Quantity of current Holdings: 34 (Stock Model Portfolio 57% Equity before new transactions)
    Less: New Sells -4
    Plus: New Buys +1
    New Stock Quantity 31

    Market Status Update Even though the market went through a lot of volatility to the down side, the S&P500 10-Day moving average is still not declining at less than 30 degrees from a vertical line drawn. In this regard, the Ludicrous Market timing model status remains green as of 8/2.

    Happy Investing,
    Ludicrous Returns
  2. Ludicrous Returns

    Jan 1, 2024
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    05 Aug Ludicrous Stock Model Update

    At Monday close on 8/5, the S&P500 index 10D line (symbol ^GSPC) is now declining at an angle less than 25 degrees from vertical. With this steep of a 10-Day decline, my technical analysis market timing model is now in red status. In this regard, my recommendation is to refrain from new investment until buy conditions are met.

    Given the new status, the stocks below have updated stop sell target prices. Other remaining holdings will maintain target stop sell price published this past weekend. Also, the newly added position of OMCL now has a stop sell target included in the list.

    Current Holdings (stop sell price)
    DSGN (4.31), EVR(205.32), MMM (104.59), OMCL (30.96), UI (152.17), VIRT (24.29)
  3. Ludicrous Returns

    Jan 1, 2024
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    07 AUG Ludicrous Stock model update: On 28 JUL 2024 model update, LUMN stock triggered a buy. If you brought to the trigger at market open price of 1.80 / share on 29 JUL, the current stock price of $ 6.63 marks a +268% gain over the buy price. I want to inform of the latest stop sell price target of $ 5.44 that should be entered to the model. This will preserve the majority of the spectacular gains this past couple weeks. This communication equipment stock makes equipment for fast data transfer, which is a growing segment with the recent trend in AI. This goes to show there can be gems of investment out there if you do your homework.

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