Hey, I need help understanding RR.L(Rolls Royce Holdings Plc) Charts. Same graphs , same time frame but different side numbers what am I missing??? Here??? Here’s some pictures. Any help cheers!! I understand that some show pounds and some pence but i don't understand the side numbers?? https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quo...&sym=RR-.LN&grid=1&height=500&studyheight=100 https://tradingeconomics.com/rr:ln https://www.londonstockexchange.com/stock/RR./rolls-royce-holdings-plc/company-page?lang=en Cheers for any help.
The price of stocks is expressed in pence only. 1 POND (GBP) = 100 pence (GBp) In your case 107.700 = 1.077 POND
Cheers Marvan, Yea I understand that, but I don't understand why some charts show different side numbers....Have a look at the links i added in the top post. Was it a stock split..or?? My IBK charts is different to Yahoo.RR.l the history looked like it got to over 10 pounds 1000 pence. Then some history shows only a high of 4 pounds....I just want to know why...has some data been adjusted and updated??