Beating S&P 500 with CNBC Mad Money

Discussion in 'Stock Market Today' started by BeReporter, Nov 27, 2021.

  1. BeReporter

    BeReporter New Member

    Nov 27, 2021
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    I have backtested Jim Cramer's Mad Money buy recommendations since 2016-04-18
    Market Stats
    • Total S&P500 returns for 2021:
      • ~23%
      • ~24.5% with dividends reinvestment
    Cramer Stats (since 2021-01-04)
    • 2,096 Buy recommendations
    • 283 Sell recommendations
    • 0 Hold recommendations
    • ~11.5 average buy recommendations daily
    • Most recommended stock is $AAPL with 40 Buy recommendations
    For simplicity purpose I was buying whole number of shares within $1,000 in each strategy.
    Strategy #1: buy next day (after the show) and sell EOD:
    • Total gain was $1907.38
      • Given the average # of buy recommendations ~$11,500 of capital needed per day
      • ~16.59% total gain - not bad but below S&500
    Strategy #2: buy next day (after the show), hold 5 days and sell EOD
    • Total gain was $27,720.31
      • Given the average # of buy recommendations ~$57,500 of capital needed per day
      • 48.2% total gain - now we are talking business
    Disclaimer: all calculations made using , Crammer's data from

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