Hi all, I had a thought and was wondering if it was realistic and figured I’d ask you. Pres. Trump is announcing issuing relief loans to businesses. It’s been stated that the banks are not sure how to access this money for companies yet. Pres. Trump says they will have it very soon. This issuance, I’m assuming comes from the government and issued to banks and finally to companies to pay wages. Is that correct? My question then is, would it make sense that the government has released the funds already, dumped the funds (or partial funds) into the stock market -buying low- and will once the market hits a certain mark, sale those stocks. At that point, issue the relief money to the banks, while making a quick profit on the gains? This stock buy in turn, would boost the stock market (short term). If this were possible, if any way, I’m guessing this stock gain we have seen the past few days will drop again, correct? I’m new to all this, so it seems plausible to me. Any thoughts about this concept would be cool. Sky