Ciao guys! How's it going? I'm Rob, 22 years old guy typing from the sunny and extremely warm South of Italy, which feels like paradise to me since I've been living in London for the last three years. I'm fascinated by the markets and the trading world; I've also started a demo account on Plus500 last week, and I gotta say I'm starting to have a better understanding of how the trading world works, and I'm really enjoying it. I'm also reading a book on day trading, along with some notes on financial markets and economics. See y'all around here!
Robraf benvenuto nella tana del trading as you are using Plus500 (demo account) do you trade CFD? or do they let you trade "normal" stocks as well ?
Thanks guys, I'm sure I'll enjoy my time here! You can trade with both of them. However, I'd like to try different platforms. Plus500 looks fine, but it doesn't really convince me. What would you guys advice? EDIT: sorry, I misread your question. They only offer CFD trading.
I thought so... look here there are posts on brokers/platform are you an Italian living in England or back to Italy? if you are in Italy look at those Fineco + Directa for stocks are the cheaper and very good but DD long time since I traded with an Italian broker... hope it help... good luck
I'm back in Italy at the moment; I should get back to England in September though. Thanks for your recommendations, I'll check those links out Thanks @OldFart
welcome @robruf best of luck to you and your trading endeavors man! looking forward to seeing you around the forums! get involved, ask questions, and be active! good to have you!