Hi everyone, My name is Rohit, new member to this forum. I am a software developer and trade/invest part time. I started trading in 2010 and was successful until a year go. I made some mistakes and put money into SUNE which filed for BK recently, which wiped me out. Starting small again and hope to learn from all of you here. I wanted to share my current portfolio. Please feel free to give me your opinions. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11cyNucxBEJhSMwaRc-E1iwGG4KYciy2rpZQfLn3KCHY/edit?usp=sharing Regards, Rohit
Hi Rohit! Oh god SUNE!!! Yeah, a lot of people took that hit. You can come back stronger than before now!
+1 big welcome to you @Rohit to Stockaholics! feel free to jump right into the forums discussions and best of the luck to you and your trading endeavors! btw - if you don't mind me asking you how did you come across Stockaholics? was it through a google search or something else? hope to see you become an active member of this community!
haha, well that is actually a two-part answer lol the "forums" as you see it right now is actually fairly new, only about 4 months old however the "community" (members who post here) is much much much older than that lol ... we're talking as far back as 14 years old! lol this site recently had a major move back in april, and started fresh! a large number of the members who post here stem back from the previous site, but as we're moving forward in time here we're getting quite a lot of new members joining (like you ) hope to see you become a regular here! i see you are quickly getting the ball rolling here by launching a trade journal thread in the journals section ... good for you! oh, and also if you do know of anyone who might be interested in a community such as this, be sure to also let them in on this site as well gl and looking forward to seeing you around the boards!
Welcome aboard Rohit and hopefully you can get on the right track. This a good forum and still building and like Cy said many of us came over from the old forum, where I had been a member on and off since 2003...TTT
Hi Rohit well come aboard from me as well SUNE: look at it like a hiccup not a failure ... success consists of going from failure without loss of enthusiasm JMHO good luck