Hello! New-ish member for those who doesnt know me

Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by Eskibot, Jul 21, 2016.

  1. Eskibot

    Eskibot New Member

    Jun 29, 2016
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    So ive been fairly active in the chat for about 3 weeks now and I have learned alot. I am 22 fresh out of college so I thought it will be a decent time to learn how to trade stocks even though I will be going back for more schooling at the end of August, so I will have to leave you guys in the chat :(. Im only using $500 on RobinHood to start with and probably will be sticking with that for a while

    I have learned a bunch of stuff so far and looking to learn more!
    1) I bought BCS, LYG, RBS, and DB the day of Brexit. Then dropped like 20% more the next day. That kinda rekt me.
    2) Realized that I can't just go with "what I want to buy" looking at Robinhood Charts
    3) Bugged a bunch of you guys especially Tormented and learned the basics of TA. (SMA, MACD, RSI, Volume)
    4) Made some small gains from that and learned more about chart patterns, Fibo, and Bollingers.
    5) For some reason I thought because I wanna make a quick buck or two, I need to buy as much as I can and just wait. Found out that wasnt a good idea so I downloaded the TDA stock charts app on my phone so I can create alerts for when a certain stock meets the price that I am willing to get in at.
    6) Dont go 50% on Gold because its on the rise. Unfortunately for me I pretty much bought it at its peak, so RIP my portfolio from that too.
    7) $YOLOing is probably not a good idea. I'm up 0.45% overall right now because I got lucky from getting EBAY and AMD, but also lost money on AXP, INTC, and probably PYPL.
    8) WSB is aids.

    Now that Im pretty much back even, I am really going to have to analyze each stock before I make a purchase. I think that I had been recklessly buying because I feel like $500 is too small of a start to make any real money since I'm hearing people buying like hundreds-thousands of shares. I will now treat my $500 as $500,000, after all, its the % in the end that matters.

    For some reason I get so hyped up from playing earnings since its kinda like betting, so I downloaded a paper trading app to satisfy my needs from that. Still might do it on RH, but its not ganna be like 20% of my portfolio like AMD today :D.

    I probably will be following some of your guys's picks because you guys obviously know a lot more then I do (ie, Dangerloot and Silver always throwing out what seems to look good to me at least). I will continue to ask dumb questions so sorry about that ;). Some of the things I say might be absolutely retarded, so just correct me. I promise I wont get any hard feelings.

    I will still be very active in the chat for about a month and then school starts. So I really need to buckle down and learn to swing trade so I wont have to freak out and look at my stocks 40 times a day.

    Thanks for everything in advance.
    Gray Wolf and T0rm3nted like this.
  2. T0rm3nted

    T0rm3nted Moderator
    Staff Member

    Apr 2, 2016
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    Welcome to the forums! Don't worry about asking questions, because we all start somewhere.
  3. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Talked with you in chat and good to see you on the forums. Welcome aboard
  4. Ciao (Sheppy)

    Ciao (Sheppy) Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2016
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    gee will take me all day to digest all that :eek::D:D

    firstly Welcome on the mainland:)

    look at your $500 as your capital and not what other have.... IMO what we trade with big or small should be what we can afford to lose (but shouldn't lose it) believe you m it is more difficult to make 10% from a $500 capital then a 10% from a $500K
    so good luck your 10% is more important then their 10% .

    you seems to know a lot base etc.. but still somehow confused.... put everything in a "cocktail glass mix well " and come out
    with your own strategy-plan add psychology + money management and you will have a winning "cocktail"
    ... walk with your own leg ( trade with your own head) and you will find that suddenly the winners are coming so are teh $$$$
    for what is worth .. that is JMHO
    good luck :)
  5. Tiptopptrader

    Tiptopptrader Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2016
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    Welcome aboard Eskibot. It sounds like you were a little to anxious to jump in the market and you must know what risks could come your way like a continuation of Brexit. I bought during Brexit as well but did so in small tier buys and guess what, those Brexit buys are up considerably since then. I am glad to see you did well on AMD.


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