Mrs. optionslayer's ROBINHOOD acct.

Discussion in 'Investing' started by Optionslayer, Feb 22, 2020.

  1. Optionslayer

    Optionslayer Member

    Nov 7, 2019
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    This one belongs to the BOSS LADY.

    "Preservation of capital" is a new phrase to me and I admit to entering unchartered territory.

    Never been much of the investor/buy n hold type, watching the value bounce around like a basketball just seems dumb. Up today, down next week, up, crash- WAY DOWN, blah blah.

    Time to teach the old dog a new trick, this isnt my money so extreme caution is very important, add the fact I sleep with the boss and that makes it more of a challenge. Make money=happy wife, Lose money=couch and no kitty.

    For now the wild crazy option plays are in MY THREAD,

    TSLA 1 share at $ 936.02

    AAPL 1 share at $ 311.57

    SPY 1 share at $ 333.00

    These are buy n hold, bought tsla high but serves me right for being to dumb to buy it at 300. Definately will add to these 3 on dips. We are prepared to not panic on RED DAYS.

    Have a few more longs and will discuss strategy a bit later.

    HEY TOM " hold my beer"
    OldFart, TomB16 and T0rm3nted like this.
  2. Optionslayer

    Optionslayer Member

    Nov 7, 2019
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    Not as red as I imagined it to be, added a few holds here and there.

    AAPL, TSLA, SPY; are the more expensive stocks held, need a major dip before adding to those.

    Focusing on a couple of sectors, watching and slowly buying.
    TomB16 likes this.
  3. Optionslayer

    Optionslayer Member

    Nov 7, 2019
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    2nd day in a row that robinhood is down, cant access account??? HMMM.

    Not a good way to bring new investors into the world of Wall Street and keep them involved.

    Luckily She does not hold short term options.

    Missed out on some GREAT buys though
  4. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    I blame the sheriff of Nottingham.

    We had a similar problem in 2018. Our trading house was up but the phones were down and I was trying to make something happen before year end to optimize our tax liability that ended up not happening. It turned out to be an overload caused by their onboarding of cryptocurrency trading.

    I desperately wanted to leave and never return but a careful analysis of the situation had me just absorbing their incompetence.

    Sorry, Slayer. These situations are desperately frustrating.
    Optionslayer likes this.
  5. Optionslayer

    Optionslayer Member

    Nov 7, 2019
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    Yes sir, it happens- however 2 days in a row should be a wake up CALL for lil robin to start investing in a better platform that can handle the MASSIVE customer base. Customer service is currently handled by email.

    No big deal though ?

    You get what you pay for in life.
  6. Optionslayer

    Optionslayer Member

    Nov 7, 2019
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    Screenshot_20200306-100632_Samsung Internet.jpg Found this one yesterday, bought a few shares.

    Today is xdate for the dividend of .125

    1,000 shares at 2.55 $2,550.00
    1,000 share at .125 div $125.00

    The div lowers my pps to $ 2.425

    Sold 10 - 3/20/20 $2.50 calls at .20 for a credit of $ 200.00


    1000 shares at 2.55 $2,550 buy

    1,000 share div at .125. $125 collect

    10 call contracts sold. $200 collect

    This lowers my pps to $ 2.225

    $2,225.00 total invested- 1,000 shares..

    The calls can be exercised if they are I.T.M. on or before 3/20/20, time will tell. Worst case, I have to sell my shares for $2.50.

    Keep in mind puts could be bought to absorb selling pressure. Lets see how this one plays out. Stay tuned.
    OldFart likes this.

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