Greetings everyone! I'm hoping to be a staple on this forum and a few others. I currently invest at the moment and am looking to get into trading. I just got a new job at a brokerage firm and am hoping to jump right in asap. I was wondering if anyone was able to point me in the right direction for a beginner. Thanks!
Welcome aboard! I would suggest starting with the stickied threads in the Education section of the forum if you're a beginner! Feel free to ask questions and get involved and we can all make each other better!
Welcome to the forums. What kind of investing have you been doing? Also, what do you do at your brokerage firm?
Welcome to the jungle! " Welcome to the hardest game in the world! Unfortunately you're playing with some of the sharpest fastest most intelligent stubbornly irrational and in many cases unethical minds in the world. Your up against computers that can react faster than you Traders with more experience than you Funds with more money than you The insider with more information than you The internet that will misinform you The inner voice that will do its best to undo you So leave all your dreams of making quick and easy money behind! The first aim is survival! Your absolute first goal is to learn how to stay in this game! You can only do his by mapping the territory. By understanding how the enemy thinks and acts. By developing a solid game plan. An by picking your battles very, very carefully. Ready to play? " ( anon quote) Have fun. READ..... The Big Short!
Welcome aboard cramneaj, Besides what you can learn on this board I suggest that you can learn what you can from the seasoned brokers at your new job. I do suggest easing into your trades and, set stops, and use good money management. Learn TA (technical analysis) to know where to buy and sell at...Good luck to you