Hi all, I'm new to this forum and relatively new to trading, but keen to learn quickly. Is there a specific are where I can ask questions about how to trade and why things work the way they do? I'm approaching trading as a hobby at present and have put an amount of money aside to 'play with'. I've been trading for a few months, but now I have more time to sit and watch whats going on I'd like to learn a bit more.
Hi there icecream26 and thanks for the response. I wouldn't hold out too much hope on getting anything from the forum though as I've posted twice and had absolutely no response other than yours. I've given up and am looking for another forum.
Ok @Sharetony best of luck to you. I didn't see your thread(s) earlier, but I am willing to answer newb questions here: https://stockaholics.net/forums/ask-any-question.19/ Like I said, best of luck, I know this forum can get slow at times so not going to stop you from finding your place, but if I can I will help.