Hello everyone, I'm yet another new guy and I was hoping I could have a few pointers for day trading/scalping. I know this is something within the realm of possibilities for me and I was really hoping to absorb as much knowledge from here as possible, I listen very well and my cup is empty
Welcome aboard! Feel free to look around and ask questions! People around here are usually friendly and willing to answer any question that you may think is dumb, so don't be afraid to ask!
Well I guess I should start asking! Haha, when looking to decide what stock to get what type of things would I look at with the company? I want to be able to better predict increases eventually. Or declines.
If you're day trading/scalping (like your first post states), you'll want to learn how to read charts. Look for reversal patterns, support/resistance, etc. Fundamentals mean nothing because of the time-frame you'll be trading in. I'd suggest checking out this thread if you haven't already: Teach me Technical Analysis
It depends if your looking for a long or short term hold. If it's for the long haul then fundamentals and growth are key elements to consider. If you can find a stock that pays good dividends on top of that you have a good starting point. If you have a decent brokerage you should be able to run a stock screener to search for such stocks...Good luck and welcome to the board...TTT
Welcome to the forums. In addition to the advice you've received already, also check out the live chat associated with the forum. Lots of activity going on there during market hours. Links to live chat are here on the site or you can just click this one... https://discord.gg/e8WV4nA
Wow, I go on a trip and I get great feedback! Thanks so much guys. Thanks this is actually really helpful, my main issue was not knowing where to begin in regards to what I was studying. I kinda just dove right in with the hopes of getting it eventually haha. I can already tell this is a good resource. To be quite honest my current strategy involves holding a good number of shares for the long term. I'm really excited by the concept of day trading/scalping but long holds seem to be a huge key to my future success in this. At least in my mind anyways. Thanks for the awesome welcome! I just joined the discord now and I'm already liking what I see. Lots of dedicated investors for me to learn from haha.
Big welcome from me as well @SundownXIII Welcome to Stockaholics! We just had a brief run in on the chatroom just a few moments ago lol ... I added a command into ChartBot for penny stock charts for you Hope to see you become an active member of this community! We're happy to have you here. GL to you and your trading endeavors!
Can't appreciate the warm welcomes enough, thanks for updating that bot though really, I've gotten loads of good advice from this community already and you doing that pretty much solidifies my stay on these forums. Consider me hooked.