I'm surprised the Personal Finance sub-forum hasn't any activity since ... last year! November 2023. Wow. I understand that these forums are about investing, but personal finance is just as important - actually MORE important! You don't believe me? Ask all the bankrupt NFL, NBA, MLB and other professional sports figures, and the celebrities and (former) multi-millionaires who are living in poverty - or struggling to get by with less than the average American! It doesn't matter if you make twenty million dollars, if you spend twenty-one million! You're still a million dollars in the hole. My early life struggling to pay my bills and build my income and career is the kind of situation that either makes a person or breaks them. For most Americans until recently, that was the case. There seem to be more challenges for young people, even those in their 30s and 40s, than there were in years past. In my opinion, personal finance is still the key for most of us, of all ages.
I imagine because it isn't as exciting as trading. I teach both, as they are equally important. No point making money if you blow it all the second it hits your account.