Question about OTC and foreign exchange - education

Discussion in 'Ask any question!' started by Aaln, Feb 26, 2020.

  1. Aaln

    Aaln New Member

    Feb 26, 2020
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    Hi all, thanks in advance for the help.

    I received stock in a London exchange ticker. As I'm a resident in USA, I opened a NA (Fidelity) account capable of international trading, and deposited the shares.

    however, when I deposited the shares.. instead of them being recognized as a native (KWS.L) London excchange ticker format, they are recognized in my account with a ticker name KYYWF (OTC).

    I'm now attempting to trade these stocks with a limit order (good til canceled) , that the stock exceeded significantly during the trading day... however the order didnt execute. Looking at the daily trading volume vs my order, there doesnt appear to be any volume related issues or constraints.

    I'm wondering if there's something I'm not understanding about the liquidity of this OTC ticker.. the mechanism by which it actually trades is constraining or delaying it in some way that I'm unaware of. If anybody has insights as to the actual trading mechanism , or things to be aware of as a seller in a situation like this, all thoughts would be greatly appreciated. cheers and thanks.

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