Question About Pintrest Class A Class B Shares on 10-Q Sept 30th 2020

Discussion in 'Ask any question!' started by Travis Klein, Dec 13, 2020.

  1. Travis Klein

    Travis Klein New Member

    Dec 13, 2020
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    "Stockholders’ equity:
    Class A common stock, $0.00001 par value, 6,666,667 shares authorized, 507,248 and 360,850 shares
    issued and outstanding as of September 30, 2020 and December 31, 2019, respectively; Class B common
    stock, $0.00001 par value, 1,333,333 shares authorized, 107,995 and 209,054 shares issued and
    outstanding as of September 30, 2020 and December 31, 2019, respectively"


    I'm reading Shares Outstanding 618.1M on my investment account so I'm just trying to make sense of what they are actually saying above.

    Where do these small priced shares come from? are they accounted for of the 618.1M shares that make up their market cap?

    Thank you so much for any help!

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