Things To Watch New Year

Discussion in 'The Cocktail Lounge' started by Money123, Jan 5, 2025.

  1. Money123

    Money123 Active Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    Things to watch #2025 new vaccines so we evolve into super beasts. CRSPR gene editing so we really evolve super human.
  2. Rayak

    Rayak Active Member

    Jul 30, 2022
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    This is just a side question, but has anybody read "Frankenstein" or seen one or more of the movies?

    There are some things humans really shouldn't f--k with!

    I doubt seriously that war, even with the proliferation of nuclear weapons, is going to destroy the human race once and for all. It's going to be some "genius" enhancing viruses, or cloning humans into freakish monsters like the Incredible Hulk, or modifying genes until they come up with some mutation that causes all humans to program themselves to self-destruct from the inside out, physiologically.

    All the while claiming they're doing research for future miracle cures and to make the world a safer and better place. Even if the real reason might be biological warfare and/or world domination. Or not.

    For all our technology and all our revolutionary advances, two of the things we seem to have lost faster than typewriters and payphones are basic common sense and good judgement

    TomB16 likes this.
  3. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    Right now, China, Russia, and I'm sure India are trying to damage our economy. They are succeeding, to an extent, although I believe both China and Russia are suffering far more than the west.

    A few assholes are hurting the global economy for every human being.

    When this stops, assuming it stops, the global economy should do extremely well.

    For now, I'm happy with fixed income. If Russia and China stop acting like morons, the global economy will probably spring forward quickly.

    Perhaps it is worth noting that if Xi and/or Putin were to pass from this mortal coil, that does not guarantee their successor will act like an adult. In the case of Russia, I expect things will improve sharply and immediately but then gradually return to current state. In the case of China, I wouldn't want to predict anything but I'm hopeful.
  4. Money123

    Money123 Active Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    What I see on local news people are feed up with corporations and their money and hardly giving out. I sense these things. What about fires and local people buying their crap

    Disney 15 million they said.

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