TTM eps is different on Meta income statment, than front summery page YahooFinace.

Discussion in 'Ask any question!' started by cashburger, Aug 18, 2024.

  1. cashburger

    cashburger New Member

    May 19, 2020
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    Not understanding why my P/E calculation was not coming out correct this morning, but it is now. The TTM EPS are different depending on where you look:

    The P/E should be straight forward: Market Price divided by TTM EPS = P/E Ratio.

    The issue is/was. I'm getting two different EPS numbers for the TTM at Yahoo. If you compare whats listed on the Yahoo Finance (summery page) it's 19.57 EPS TTM vers the (income statement) which is showing 20.12 EPS for the TTM. What's worse is, Google shows 5.16 for June of 2024. What is going on?

    I thought all these sites used the TTM? Why would the income statement show a difference TTM eps then the front page's TTM?

    I'm thinking the question has more to do with what EPS Yahoo and Google are using.

    Market Price: 527.42 / TTM EPS 19.57 = P/E 26.95.
    This calculation is correct now, but was not this morning, and if you use the TTM EPS on the income statement, the answer would be wrong because it's a different TTM than on the front page. Not sure why? What is the EPS number Google is showing? I thought trailing twelve month meant just what it said.

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