A psychologist teaches his students how to manage stress.

Discussion in 'Educational videos and material' started by Ciao (Sheppy), Apr 25, 2016.

  1. Ciao (Sheppy)

    Ciao (Sheppy) Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2016
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    (I translated from Italian ..hope it make sense)

    A psychologist teaches his students how to manage stress.

    He took a glass of water and walked around the room, silently.
    Everyone expected a question like:
    "It is half full or half empty?"
    At one point he stopped, raised his glass and asked her students:
    "How heavy is this glass of water?"
    Amazement, the students gave answers between 250 and 500 ml.
    Psychologist responds: absolute weight does not matter, matter how long you keep it up ... One minute, no problem ... An hour, a sore arm ... One day, paralyzes the arm ...
    In each of these three cases the weight of the glass does not change. Only changes the time.
    The more time passes, the more it becomes heavy.
    The stresses and strains of life are like the glass of water. If you think less of them, almost nothing happens.
    If you think more, the heart starts to hurt.
    If you're thinking about them all the time, paralyze your mind.
    When you get home at night, leave it out of your worries.
    Do not carry them with you at night.
    Put the glass down.


    IMO stress play an important part in-during our trading... so try to work it off to make/take the right decisions
    so my advice is to correct the stress before end up like this :D


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