Which platform do you think is best?

Discussion in 'Ask any question!' started by RauLi, Oct 10, 2016.

  1. RauLi

    RauLi New Member

    Oct 10, 2016
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    I'm new to stocks, but i'm very interested in it and wish to begin trading in order to begin gaining experience. I would like to know on what platform I should use to trade. I head etrade a lot.. but i know theres potentially better ones out there. Give me the top 3 on your list and maybe why. I'd highly appreciate it. Thank you. Btw i'd like to begin trading with aboutt... 300 bucks? just to test the waters. thx
  2. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
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    @RauLi firstly welcome to Stockaholics! :)

    RE: Platforms

    I know you're looking for a top 3 list of platforms, but I can't personally recommend more than 1 that I already know of ... albeit that isn't to say that there aren't other platforms out there ... it's just that I haven't used them. Perhaps someone else here could chime in to this thread and give you a top 3 list.

    As for the one that I know and use every day, it's ThinkorSwim by TD Ameritrade.

    I may be biased in this opinion, but I think ToS (ThinkorSwim) is hands down the most superior trading & charting platform out there today.

    If you're looking for a "why" answer it's simply this (IMO anyway) -- ToS has just about everything one could ever possibly need in a platform. Whether it's a certain oscillator/indicator you name this platform has got you covered. But that is just scratching the surface! There is so much more one can do on this platform, it's pretty mind blowing.

    They've also got a pretty darn nice mobile app to boot.

    I wouldn't replace ToS for anything. But, again that is just me and others may beg to differ.

    Anyway, good luck to you and your trading endeavors, and I hope you are able to find the platform that is right for you.
  3. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    I use Think or Swim as well. You can download it from TD Ameritrade and use it on a free trial or open an account with them with a zero balance and you don't have to fund it and use Think or Swim in PaperMoney mode to practice. Bit of a learning curve but not too bad to get it figured out. They have good short videos taking you through many of the basics. Also check this forum here for a few others: http://stockaholics.net/forums/vendors-brokers-and-product-reviews.8/
  4. T0rm3nted

    T0rm3nted Moderator
    Staff Member

    Apr 2, 2016
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    I'm a big fan of ToS as well. However, since you said you're only starting with $300 and testing the waters, you may want to consider Robinhood because it has fred trading. No commissions. ToS trading fees ($10 buy, $10 sell) will make it very difficulthe for you to make money as you will have to make profit at a tremendous rate to keep up with the fees of trading.
  5. Jrich

    Jrich Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2017
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    This (Robinhood) interests me a great deal... I just looked it up, seems to fit my needs to the T

    -mobile friendly
    -no minimum balance
    -automatic deposits
    -deposits clear in 3 business days
    -and of course zero commissions

    I just opened a TD Ameritrade account, I use the mobile app.. And as stated, they offer a plethora of wonderful tools!.... Only things I don't like, deposits take 6 business days to clear, and the slight inconvenience of having to write a live check

    Still, I know TD is one of the top tried and trusted brokers you'll find anywhere..... I had never even heard of Robinhood til I read this post....... Does anyone here use them? Reviews/opinions??

    Obviously saving $20 per trade is HUGE for someone like me starting out small potatoes... Just makes me nervous sending money to a broker I've never heard of
    StockJock-e likes this.
  6. Caitlin Rogers

    Caitlin Rogers New Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    As of now, I am just into MT4 platform in my broker. In my first day I have been very confused with it because its interface is a little bit confusing however, I just do a self-study for it. Any platform would be a good one especially if its suits you

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