Being a previous non believer in " fake food" I tried it and actually was impressed. Much the way we rejected soybeans in the past due to one-sided views, they have become a very important and are here to stay. Its sad that we have let political choices divide us into groups instead of being united as a whole. I'm outspoken and enjoy stirring the pudding sometimes. One of my favorites is bringing up politics at family gatherings especially at Thanksgiving, it greatly reduces my Christmas shopping list for gifts. Companies like this are worth looking into. They have a bright future. " Mikey likes it" its a old cereal joke.
Beyond Meat v3.0 burger. The buzz seems to have passed on BM but I still find this a highly interesting field. Perhaps someone else will enjoy this short interview.
Personally, I prefer the Impossible Burger. I grew up on meat and it is the closest to a real burger. Does anyone know when the I.B. is IPO-ing? And what the ticker would be?
I'm still waiting for the Impossible Burger IPO. a meat-eating friend tried the Beyond Burger this week and informed me it was "excellent".
Beyond Meat has shown us people will pay considerably more for a meat alternative than they will for meat. They couldn't keep product on the shelves when the v1.0 product was going for $6 per patty. Now that the price is getting better and the product is getting better, it is turning into a real thing. The reason I don't invest is because I don't see any franchise value in BM. Small, boutique, restaurants have been making vegetable based burgers for many years and they taste better than BM without all the salt. At some point, someone will offer the owner of Salud Super Food in Puerto Vallarta, MX a hundred thousand for his mushroom burger recipe and no one will care about BM, anymore.
I respectfully disagree, sir. How many different pizza brands are in the local grocery? Ice cream? Pasta sauces? There is ALWAYS going to be room for outliers.
My friend is an omnivore but she's interested in the stock. "Excellent!" I told her to hold up---try the Impossible Burger! My local grocery chain is now selling their own brand of "plant-based" burgers. I have two in my freezer to test. Cheaper? I'm okay with paying a bit more for now.
KFC must be hurting for business. Chic,fil,a and bojangles are very popular. KFC is now selling fake chicken to the vegans. First it was boneless chicken, now its chicken less chicken.
Saw these ones today in a local retail store (Costco style). What is the price of these beauties there is USA?
thanks @T0rm3nted we pay 40% more, I see; I havent tried yet, but I will get some to my vegan daughter next time