REMMY -Rare Earth Minerals Plc

Discussion in 'Penny Stocks' started by Firemansam, Apr 9, 2016.

  1. Firemansam

    Firemansam Active Member

    Apr 9, 2016
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    Scientists can now make lithium-ion batteries last a lifetime. The discovery could lead to vastly longer lifespans for batteries in computers, smartphones, appliances, cars and spacecraft

    By Lucas Mearian FOLLOW
    Computerworld | Apr 21, 2016 11:16 AM PT
    Who says playing around is a waste of time?

    Researchers at the University of California at Irvine (UCI) said that's exactly what they were doing when they discovered how to increase the tensile strength of nanowires that could be used to make lithium-ion batteries last virtually forever.

    Researchers have pursued using nanowires in batteries for years because the filaments, thousands of times thinner than a human hair, are highly conductive and have a large surface area for the storage and transfer of electrons.

    The problem they have encountered, however, is that nanowires are also extremely fragile and don't hold up well to repeated discharging and recharging, known as "cycling." For example, in a typical lithium-ion battery, they expand and grow brittle, which leads to cracking.

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    UCI doctoral candidate Mya Le Thai solved the brittleness conundrum by coating a gold nanowire in a manganese dioxide shell and encasing the assembly in an electrolyte made of a Plexiglas-like gel. The combination, they said, is reliable and resistant to failure.

    LIthium-ion batteries
    Energy Letters
    Gold nanowires were surrounded by an electrodeposited layer of Plexiglas-like gel called propylene carbonate, which has a thickness of between 143 and 300 nanometers. Identical capacitors without the gel show cycle stabilities ranging from 2000 to 8000 cycles. With it, the nanowires stood up to 200,000 recharges.
    The findings were published today in the American Chemical Society's Energy Letters. Hard work combined with serendipity paid off in this case, according to senior author Reginald Penner.

    "Mya was playing around, and she coated this whole thing with a very thin gel layer and started to cycle it," Penner, chair of UCI's chemistry department, said in a statement. "She discovered that just by using this gel, she could cycle it hundreds of thousands of times without losing any capacity."

    "That was crazy," he added, "because these things typically die in dramatic fashion after 5,000 or 6,000 or 7,000 cycles at most."

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    The researchers believe the gel plasticizes the metal oxide in the battery and gives it flexibility, preventing cracking.

    Thai, the study's leader, cycled the nanowire-enhanced electrode up to 200,000 times ov
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  2. Firemansam

    Firemansam Active Member

    Apr 9, 2016
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    But Newman says that the Model 3 batteries, made by Panasonic, start with a negative electrode—an anode—made up of 10% silicon. This achievement will cause eyes to glaze over outside the field, but experts say it is a serious breakthrough.

    A large part of the battery research field has been focused on creating a working silicon anode because the resulting battery would be significantly more powerful. Graphite anodes, the current standard, store one lithium atom for every six carbon atoms (lithium being the energy in a battery). The more lithium, the more energy. But silicon anodes can store up to 4.4 lithium atoms for every silicon atom. Simply put, you get far more energy in a small space with silicon.

    The trouble with it, though, has always been swelling. When you use silicon, and start charging and discharging, the anode swells, eventually causing the battery to self-destruct.

    Working to resolve this problem, Panasonic had already been putting small quantities of silicon in Tesla anodes before now. Battery experts say that if Panasonic has delivered on what’s expected for the Model 3, then this would be the first commercial battery they know of containing so much silicon. “Wow,” says Venkat Srinivasan, of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

    According to Newman, the Model 3 battery will achieve energy density of 300 watt hours per kilogram, and cost $200 per kilowatt-hour. If so, both of those are industry-leading.
    Raceyno1 and Franky like this.
  3. Firemansam

    Firemansam Active Member

    Apr 9, 2016
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  4. Ciao (Sheppy)

    Ciao (Sheppy) Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2016
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  5. Firemansam

    Firemansam Active Member

    Apr 9, 2016
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  6. Firemansam

    Firemansam Active Member

    Apr 9, 2016
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    Yes and that is probably true AT THE MOMENT !!!! but we are not producing yet until 2017/18 when Lithium Demand is set to rocket due to EV's (Tesla leading the way, others following), Battery Storage, etc then Sonora, and Cinovec will be Number 2 in the world for supplying Lithium.

    Nice article though thanks
    Raceyno1 likes this.
  7. Firemansam

    Firemansam Active Member

    Apr 9, 2016
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    If you dont believe the world is changing, then open your eyes

    1 million electrified vehicles sold by 2025
    Our aim is to have put up to 1 million electrified vehicles on the road by 2025. This is an accumulated figure for all our sold plug-in hybrids and battery electric vehicles over time. The milestone will be achieved by offering new fully electric vehicles and a broader plug-in hybrid offer.

    by the way Tesla sold 40% of this target in 3 weeks not 9 years
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  8. Firemansam

    Firemansam Active Member

    Apr 9, 2016
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    #148 Firemansam, Apr 25, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2016
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  9. Firemansam

    Firemansam Active Member

    Apr 9, 2016
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  10. Firemansam

    Firemansam Active Member

    Apr 9, 2016
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  11. Firemansam

    Firemansam Active Member

    Apr 9, 2016
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    #REM Rare Earth Minerals' Mexico project making rapid progress - @DavidLenigas, @RareEMplc via @proactive_uk

    Progress at Rare Earth Minerals PLC's (LON:REM, OTC:REMMY) Sonora lithium project in Mexico continues apace - with work for a key feasibility study now started and discussions ongoing over financing.

    The company has an interest in the property via its 17.19% holding inBacanora Minerals Ltd (CVE:BCN), and added that additional technical staff were being recruited with expertise in lithium development.

    A contractor has been hired to carry out infill reserve drilling, which is scheduled to start this quarter and complete in the third.

    The AIM firm also told investors that Sonora's mineral resource estimate had been amended to reflect the parameters within the now filed pre-feasibility study

    Rare Earth's chief executive[​IMG] Kiran Morzaria told investors: "Rapid progress continues to be made in advancing the Sonora Project, both regarding preparation for production and in discussions with offtake partners.
    Raceyno1 likes this.
  12. Firemansam

    Firemansam Active Member

    Apr 9, 2016
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  13. Firemansam

    Firemansam Active Member

    Apr 9, 2016
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  14. Firemansam

    Firemansam Active Member

    Apr 9, 2016
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    Sort report from PI's meeting with Remmy board London, by Barksy on the train home

    The whole board took quite a grilling particularly DL. Kiran also spend ages explaining REMs position,

    No big surprises or announcement, the board are very frustrated with the slowness of bcn and excited about Cinovec and Mcarthur . I really liked Fairbourne . He explained the ADRs amongst other things and how they have only just started going on a road show with them.he seemed to think it will take ~9 months maybe to get some big money in them. We have the catch 22 problem still of the hedge funds not looking at us because we are too small mcap. They said it will take some corporate intervention to shift the sp majorly. They were so bound by NDAs they really found it difficult to tell us what coming up, but Fairbourne did say, 'hang on in'

    I doubt tradecraft and Mermillions Kevez and others will post tonight, they all worked very hard with the questions as did Denver but it was a free bar and the booze was flowing freely.

    Lots more will come out over the next few days, most questions were covered.

    Western Lithium has been sold but because it was under the 3% they didnt have to RNS it,
    We have a good amount of money in the bank to cover the JV contribution.
    David Bick from Square 1 was there and asked why he hadn't actively done more or on REM . His reply to my mind was weak and defensive.
    They all agreed there was a huge amount of work going on in the background but not for general release at the moment,
    I asked Kiran about the 2 pits being dug, north and south, he said the south pit is being worked on first, which is what we thought , he wouldn't be drawn into further tesla talk. Related to the other one.
    This is all of the top of my head ,in no order but it might jog others to remember more,

    New York love lithium.

    If we are waiting for the lithium to really move the share price then I think it will be looking to next year, however corporate action before that would be my quess to hopefully put a bomb under it.

    Oh and we have proved we can process carb from clay 2 years ago, we are now testing consistency .
    Raceyno1 and Ciao (Sheppy) like this.
  15. Ciao (Sheppy)

    Ciao (Sheppy) Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2016
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    g'morning Firemansam keep them coming..... but get the shares up as well :D:D
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  16. Firemansam

    Firemansam Active Member

    Apr 9, 2016
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    Austria, Norway, the Netherlands and India are all officially looking into banning sales of new cars with conventional internal combustion engines (ICEs) in the 2020s. In the wake of these reports, German Green parliamentarian Dieter Janecek called for such a ban in Germany as well (report in German). The people who would make such decisions – such as Transport Minister Dobrindt – have not yet commented on the idea, however.

    Last week at the Berlin Energy Days, Ministry for Energy’s Undersecretary Baake also stated that Germany should implement such a ban by 2030 (report in German); most others are shooting for 2025 – Austria, for 2020. A few days later, Andreas Knie – a transport expert who advised Deutsche Bahn (German railway company) on the rollout of its bicycle sharing system – said he fundamentally agrees with Baake, though he would also shoot for 2020 (report in German).

    How realistic is the proposal in Germany?

    Not very. Germany has a lot of jobs in the automotive sector – around 800,000, making this industry the largest in the country (there are some 370,000 jobs in renewables). Banning sales of new ICE vehicles will not be easy in Germany, but we could start with cities. Cognizant of the higher-than-admissible pollution levels in numerous German cities, the European Commission finally managed to force the German government last week to implement a Blue Sticker for diesel vehicles. The EU’s sticker system ranges from red to yellow and green. Based on vehicle emissions, cars with different colored stickers are not allowed to enter certain parts of town.

    The proposed Blue Sticker would add nitrous oxide emissions to the tally. At the moment, it is unclear when exactly this sticker will take effect; the government merely announced last week its commitment to rolling out the sticker. While the new sticker will dramatically change conditions for diesels, gasoline cars will not get off scot-free. Though considerably cleaner than diesels in terms of general particle emissions, modern gasoline engines have trouble with NOx in particular – exactly what the new sticker focuses on.
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  17. Firemansam

    Firemansam Active Member

    Apr 9, 2016
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    Batteries in the Future

    Speaking to the challenges that batteries pose in the overall equation, Elon shared how the brightest minds in history have struggled to increase the capacity and density of batteries but are basically fighting against the laws of thermodynamics … even going so far as to say that improving battery technology is one of the most difficult problems we have been faced with.

    The Tesla approach to cracking the nut of battery price equation is to centralize everything, bringing in loads of raw materials and having finished packs coming out as the products … in short, the Gigafactory. Centralizing everything maximizes economies of scale, while at the same time cutting out non-value-add transportation and warehousing, which, when talking about something as heavy as batteries and raw lithium, can add up quickly.

    You can view the full talk, discussion, and Q&A with Elon … which is one of the best discussions in the last few months … here. There is a brief intro, with Elon coming on around minute 18. It’s worth noting that the video didn’t play for me in Chrome but worked fine in Safari and Firefox (c’mon, Google, what’s up with that?!).

    Tesla’s Elon Musk hints at cheaper, smaller EV after Model 3 via @renew_economy

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  18. Firemansam

    Firemansam Active Member

    Apr 9, 2016
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    Think share price will climb in next 18 months as we are below ii radar at this funding level. But watch the name REMMY
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  19. Firemansam

    Firemansam Active Member

    Apr 9, 2016
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    See link on First Page intresting news on Macarthur
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  20. Firemansam

    Firemansam Active Member

    Apr 9, 2016
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