Reintroduction -=- Learning To Invest -=-

Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by Alexander Gray, Feb 1, 2017.

  1. Alexander Gray

    Jun 4, 2016
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    Hey, this is intended to be a shortish post but I have a tendency to ramble so please forgive me.

    I am a young adolescent who has been fascinated almost religiously in the investment world for 3 years now.

    Aprox. 2007
    I first discovered the stock market whilst playing my favorite video game Runescape. The game allows you to control a character and gain experience and level up whilst you also collect amazing items of varying rarity. I started trading before I even realized that was what it is.

    I used to exploit discrepancies in pricing by buying in locations where resources were being gathered and sell where demand for those resources was high with minimal supply. I became so good at this that I created a network of people doing this prior to the arrival of an auction house that made this method redundant. I got fairly rich in relation to the game and at one point owned one of the rarest tradeable items. I loved collecting items and gp and arranging then rearranging my bank layout in the game. This was one (of a few) video game Awesome moments in my eyes.

    26 November 2007
    So after the auction house (known as the grand exchange) my clan chat became redundant. But my passion for collecting items hadn't stopped. I began learning how to exploit the new system. I started putting buy offers in for low prices and waiting long periods and then selling for a bit more. Initially I lost a fair bit and had to sell most of my bank and rare items but then I mastered how to do it (which was ridiculously easy with hindsight), achieving m y pinnacle of virtual net worth.

    I still love playing the game today but my problem is time. I quit collecting wealth around 2009 when i was pretty much wiped out Gambling through dicing and staking (which made me so upset that I have vowed never to gamble (or speculate) ever again). Instead I now enjoy the leveling process of Runescape which is very time demanding. (For anyone who knows about the game I now playing the Oldschool Runescape version).

    Aprox. 2009-10
    Being introduced to the stock market is an interesting experience. For me it was very interesting at least. Because I had enjoyed amassing wealth on Runescape so much up until i lost most of it, I Googled "games like runescape grand exchange" and it came up with loads of results. Eventually I found virtual stock simulator (and world of warcraft...)

    The virtual stock simulator was really really wierd. I guess it was my first introduction to "speculating". I would click the green up button. I either made or lost money depending on where the line went. I lost most of the time. It was a surreal experience but I became in love with the lines. I did a few hours here and there of investigation until in early 2010 I discovered people at Investment Banks did this all day long (at least in my simplistic idea of what an IB was).

    I understand now that "investing" and what an Investment Bank does are very differen't things but I put the two words together and through they were the same at this point.

    Aprox. 2014-2016
    I moved schools after getting bullied for several reasons (mainly for struggling with socializing with people). The academic work was much easier but the social side was much more relaxed for the most part (except for the first month where I had a quite a lot of anxiety almost daily). Since I had a lot more time available I could dedicate more time to think about things. That's I guess when I rediscovered my passion for collecting stuff in the form of economics and investing.

    I have always had a strong sense of justice (that to most people won't strike them as obvious) but I thought that I have 60-80 years left. I won't live forever (and I probably wouldn't want to). I came into a horrible world. If I get to leave it even a slightly nicer way when I go I will be satisfied. The future should not have to put up with the sin's of the past that presently still occur.

    I realized the best, if not only way to do that is by understanding economics aka how society dictates who get's what and why. Ever since then I have been fascinated by it. Through economics I rekindled my interest in the stock market and was of the intellect to now comprehend how it worked (at least understand it a lot better, how it works in its entirety bewilders most people I think).

    After reading over 30+ books on the subject of economics and then around 10+ books in investing and value investing I joined the stockaholics community and started a paper trading journal which I think was recieved well. I closed the paper trading with quite good success in the end I think (around 27% in 1/2 a year if memory serves).

    I have pretty bad problems with people so for quite a lot of my life I loved playing video games. There is debate amongst my family as to if I have Autism or not. I personally think I probably do after reading about Micheal Burry from The Big Short and then reading some other books on what Autism actually is. Whatever I have wrong with me my childhood was very difficult in many ways and I have got to the point where I almost dread any social interaction with a stranger or someone who doesn't know me.

    I really want to try and eventually end up working in some capacity on Wall Street or at least in the financial industry in general. I am going to work on my economic knowledge by undertaking various online free courses and by continuing reading and studying. I plan to start doing detailed stock analysis throughout the year.

    I just wanted to write this because I wanted to thank everyone on here for being very supportive of me when I started doing my paper trading and helping me out. Thank you so much.

    P.S: Sorry It turned out to be a long ramble post.
    #1 Alexander Gray, Feb 1, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2017
    Gray Wolf likes this.
  2. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    I enjoyed reading your post. From one who has been around for awhile, let me tell you to not worry about labels. Just be true to yourself and do what you love doing. As I recall you and I have exchanged messages on this board awhile back. I do hope your are sticking around. Are you done with paper trading or are you getting into active trading?
  3. anotherdevilsadvocate

    anotherdevilsadvocate Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    I liked your writing, although perhaps because I too played those kind of online games.

    I have to remind you, that the best way to get a job on Wall Street/industry is to know someone who can help get you in there. So while you can learn stuff from online courses, do not forget to network. Especially if you find a teacher who has a friend/connection to Wall Street/industry; do good in their class and make sure they know you.
  4. Alexander Gray

    Jun 4, 2016
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    Thanks. I plan to do stock analysis rather than any paper trading or active trading. Networking for me is an impossible task so my next best option is knowing the discipline of value investing and economic principles off by heart.
  5. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    I'm going to correct you on one thing as I do not want to see you eliminate "networking" as impossible. Don't get hung up on "social" networking. It is only one form. For example, LinkedIn is one of the best online business related site and is truly a networking method that does not involve face to face interactions. Only use the free version, no need to pay money to subscribe especially at this point in your career. Start out with listing occupation as a student. Put in the name of your school and enter in the stuff you are studying and what your goal is. Build it as time goes on. You'll find groups you can add to your profile in areas you are interested in and connect with some of the names you'll see that match your interests. It differs a lot from facebook in that you can use this one to post things about your area of interest. Like maybe a post once in awhile about how you see the economy overall. Or maybe some info about a stock you did a value analysis on etc.

    Here is mine for example
    I'm connected to over 200 and many of them I do not know. Some are people I work with. Point is when you click to connect to someone on LinkedIn there is no expectation that you know them. Over time you will build quite a strong business network and you profile acts as a virtual resume. Try it out. :D
    #5 Gray Wolf, Feb 2, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2017
  6. Alexander Gray

    Jun 4, 2016
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    Hm very interesting indeed I will investigate that. Thank you for the advice :).
    I would however like to remain anonymous currently so maybe in the future though.

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