DATI – What The Heck Is A “Public Accelerator Incubator” And Why Would I Want To Invest In O

Discussion in 'Penny Stocks' started by surefiretrader, Sep 16, 2017.

  1. surefiretrader

    Apr 10, 2016
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    Have you ever wished you had equity in some of the biggest startups such as SnapChat (NYSE: SNAP), Uber, or Facebook(NASDAQ: FB) before they went public? Well, until now, it wasn't so easy. Before the introduction of the "Public Accelerator Incubator" (PAI) model, developed by the founders of Digital Arts Media Network, Inc.(OTCMKTS: DATI), owning equity in these unicorn startups was, in most cases, reserved for angel investors with deep pockets.

    Public Accelerator Incubator. If you find yourself scratching your head when you hear the phrase, you’re not alone; and I’ll admit, it took us a little time to understand it too. Well, we have good news. This article is dedicated to helping you reach that “aha moment”, when you come to realize how the PAI model allows investors - from all walks of life – to get a "piece of the PAI" of up-and-coming startups. So, let’s put our thinking-caps on and get right down to business.

    One of the easiest ways to understand the PAI model is to use our imaginations for a moment. Imagine a scenario where all four parties: the accelerator, the angel investor, the startup and the shareholder, are involved in a very successful startup.

    Let’s say, for example, you own a startup called “Hurricane Aid USA”, a humanitarian organization that provides aid to hurricane victims. You’re in a dilemma. Your business is not expanding quick enough to meet demand.

    So, you go out and apply to an Accelerator, such as TechStars. The accelerator conducts a thorough evaluation of your startup and they like the idea.

    The accelerator’s mentors come up with a plan to demonstrate why "Hurricane Aid USA" requires more capital to grow and meet the new demand. The accelerator brings a group of angel investors into the mix.

    You’re approached by an Angel Investor who is convinced that, given the quality guidance you’ve received from the accelerator (in this example Techstars), “Hurricane Aid USA” will one day become the largest humanitarian organization in the world. The Angel Investor wants to make an initial investment of $500,000 for 10% equity in your company. The Angel Investor is reluctant to fund at first. He is weighing the future success of the startup against the time that his money will be tied up for.

    You see, the Angel Investor is in a predicament that all too many angel investors and startups find themselves in. Angel investors have to wait as long as ten years before their investment matures to liquidity. This is a problem which spills over to accelerators and startups. And this is where Digital Arts Media Network(OTCMKTS: DATI) steps in.

    The solution is simple. In exchange for equity in your startup company, a public accelerator incubator like (OTCMKTS: DATI) gives angel investors early liquidity. In as early as 24-months, the angel investors can begin accessing liquidity through a Public Accelerator Incubator (OTCMKTS: DATI), recouping the money they invested in your startup, without any cost to them.

    There you have it. Public Accelerator Incubator (PAI). That wasn’t so hard, now, was it?

    You may be wondering, “I see how that benefits the Angel Investor. How does that benefit shareholders and generate shareholder value?”

    The shareholders of the PAI become beneficiaries of each transaction DATI completes with a startup; gaining an equity position in each startup. As the basket of equity created from the portfolio of startups grows, the stock valuation of DATI increases. And here’s where it gets interesting… with each startup added, the likelihood of shareholders having equity in the next Snapchat, Uber, or Facebook increases.

    You may be wondering, “How will the value of my stock position increase if Angel Investors are selling their shares?”

    (OTCMKTS: DATI) has created an environment where dilution is extremely limited because it is not allowed to issue any shares below the floor price. This means that the company can never issue a convertible debenture that converts below the floor price. This stops dilution before it can occur, and protects the company from taking on any toxic instruments.

    Angel Investors may just as likely hold on to their shares vs selling them because the collective value of the DATI's portfolio (the basket of startup equities) may easily outweigh their original investment in the single private startup. If they want to see a greater return or their principal back sooner, they will hold on to their positions as the basket grows in value; making them long-term shareholders.

    In closing, it’s now possible for investors of all sizes to get in on the next big startup company.
    #1 surefiretrader, Sep 16, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2017
  2. Cabroncita

    Cabroncita Member

    Apr 9, 2016
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  3. Cabroncita

    Cabroncita Member

    Apr 9, 2016
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    $DATI the ancillary cannabis market that Fundanna Inc. specializes in grew 161.2% in 2016; consulting increased 737%, investment/M&A up 366% $SNAP $FB $AMD $DATI #startups #stocks
  4. Bud Fox

    Bud Fox Member

    Apr 10, 2016
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  5. Bud Fox

    Bud Fox Member

    Apr 10, 2016
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  6. Cabroncita

    Cabroncita Member

    Apr 9, 2016
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  7. Bud Fox

    Bud Fox Member

    Apr 10, 2016
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  8. Cabroncita

    Cabroncita Member

    Apr 9, 2016
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    $DATI anticipates its primary program, Angels+, will drive increased valuations for the Company faster than any program $SNAP $FB $AMD $DATI #startups #stocks
  9. Bud Fox

    Bud Fox Member

    Apr 10, 2016
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    $DATIpartners with entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and development teams to provide start-ups with mentorship from industry leaders.
  10. Bud Fox

    Bud Fox Member

    Apr 10, 2016
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  11. Cabroncita

    Cabroncita Member

    Apr 9, 2016
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  12. Cabroncita

    Cabroncita Member

    Apr 9, 2016
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    #Angel investors like #Angels+ program from $DATI but enjoy the benefits of the #Exchange Direct program from #PAI even more
  13. Bud Fox

    Bud Fox Member

    Apr 10, 2016
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  14. Giants1967

    Giants1967 Member

    Dec 2, 2019
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    DATI News!
    Traders Times Report - DigitalAMN - Connecting ‘Smart Money’ Entrepreneurs with Investors Across All Walks of Life.
    For most non-accredited investors, the prospect of investing in a startup company not accessible through an exchange is virtually non-existent. It’s traditionally the domain of a wealthy private class. But even if it weren’t, finding the right startup companies, evaluating their prospects for success, and investing in several of them at once for the purposes of diversification can be an onerous if not monumental endeavor.

    Addressing these hurdles, Digital Asset Monetary Network, Inc. or “DigitalAMN” (OTCMKTS: DATI), aims to smooth out the complexities of the startup and investment process as a Public Accelerator-Incubator (PAI)--supporting startup companies and making them accessible to regular non-accredited investors.

    DigitalAMN is an ecosystem that connects entrepreneurs with investors. Instead of having to work with a broker, investors can use a Federally-regulated online portal to begin investing in a company that is vetted by the very accelerator-incubator company that’s supporting its operations.

    Here’s a simplified way to look at it: One of the main challenges facing startup companies is getting access to investor capital. Likewise, one of the main challenges to investors of all classes is finding and evaluating affordable investments in the right startup companies.

    DigitalAMN, as a Public Accelerator-Incubator (PAI), works between the two:

    • Helping startups increase their potential for success by providing a suite of business consultancy and marketing services along with startup investment capital while linking them to a network of investors; and
    • Providing investors with detailed descriptions and valuations on the startup companies in their portfolio.
    In short, the PAI platform does more than just match one party to the next, it provides support for both parties, increasing the prospect of a “Smart Money” startup investment.

    As DigitalAMN CEO Ajene Watson describes:

    “The PAI does much more than promote opportunities to invest in early-stage, high growth companies. Just about any crowdfunding platform and ICO (Initial Coin Offering) can do that. What the PAI does is promote those opportunities that most crowdfunding platforms and Initial Coin Offerings don’t provide access to — ‘Smart Money’ startups. What is a Smart Money startup? It is a startup that didn’t just raise money, but...is being supported by specific people.

    In short, the PAI model provides an extensive range of business support for startup companies and solid valuation models for investors interested in investing directly into these companies.

    DigitalAMN Makes These Investment Opportunities Widely Accessible to Public Investment

    The difference between a crowdfunding platform like Kickstarter and DigitalAMN is first and foremost, DigitalAMN provides business and financial support to each client on its platform; secondly its “equity crowdfunding” model allows investors to own shares of company’s stock through Reg. CF or Reg. A+. As part of the JOBS Act, companies can offer to the general public – not just accredited investors – up to $1M and $50 million in Reg. CF and Reg A+, respectively.

    As CEO Ajene Watson says, “The purpose of this vehicle is to promote equitable opportunities amongst investors of all classes. Everyone should have the ability to make money, at the same time, from the same exact investment opportunity. Is this a tall Order? Heck yes, it is.”

    A Prospect for Investment in Startup Growth

    On May 9, 2019, DigitalAMN co-founded TruCrowd Services LLC, a Marketing Services Firm, with a focus on marketing Regulation A (Reg. A+) and Regulation Crowdfunding (Reg. CF) endeavors, for issuers looking to leverage the power of the crowd. TruCrowd is one among several “Smart Money” startups in DigitalAMN’s PAI program.

    As an investment prospect, DigitalAMN’s main revenue drivers are as follows:

    • The appreciated value of its portfolio companies;
    • Revenues from consultancies provided to each company;
    • Liquidity events for each private venture;
    • Revenues from the resale and repackaging of the companies’ products and services; and
    • Revenue share with portfolio companies that contribute to the PAI ecosystem.
    For early investors interested in the prospect of investing in startups without having to vet each company via DigitalAMN’s program, DigitalAMN shares (OTCMKTS: DATI) may serve as an ancillary and diversified opportunity to gain exposure not only to the companies in their portfolio but also to accelerator-incubator itself.

    As with every emerging investment, there is no guarantee for success in any single company. Hence, investing in DigitalAMN shares might be a more diversified way to potentially benefit from the company’s entire portfolio and operation.

    As DigitalAMN’s CEO Ajene Watson says, “With the Public Accelerator Incubator, you have an opportunity to get in on the ground level in this and other ‘Smart Money’ startups to claim your piece of the PAI.”

    We agree that a “ground level” entry point to a basket of well-supported startups just might be a potentially attractive prospect. And at its current discounted price, the risk investors take also weighs upon the amount of shares they choose for their own personal portfolio allocation. At the very least, it’s an investment worth considering.
  15. Giants1967

    Giants1967 Member

    Dec 2, 2019
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  16. Giants1967

    Giants1967 Member

    Dec 2, 2019
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  17. Giants1967

    Giants1967 Member

    Dec 2, 2019
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    DATI TruCrowd Services Appoints Claudia Ecobici as CEO

    TruCrowd Services, LLC. (“TCS”), a specialized provider of digital marketing strategies and marketing services for Regulation A+ (Reg. A+) and Regulation Crowdfunding (Reg. CF) ventures, announced today, that the Company has appointed Claudia Ecobici as the new CEO.
    A Member of TCS noted, “We are truly excited about the Company’s potential, following the appointment of Ms. Ecobici. Ms. Ecobici possesses a high level of international business education, which is complemented by her attendance of Executive Programs at Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management. Fluent in four languages, Ms. Ecobici also brings her expertise in international marketing, communications, and strategy development. We are confident that with Ms. Ecobici at the helm, TCS will be able to fully develop and execute its business plan and become a formidable player in the digital marketing arena; particularly for communication and marketing campaigns concerning Titles III and IV of the JOBS Act, Reg. CF and Reg A+, respectively.”

    This news comes on the heels of Digital Asset Monetary Network, Inc. (DigitalAMN ( OTC: DATI)) announcing that the hybrid accelerator purchased a 60% stake in TruCrowd Services, LLC. It is anticipated that TCS, now a subsidiary of DigitalAMN, will play a significant role in the ‘DAMN ecosystem’ – delivering additional revenue, while also providing marketing and communication services to all of DigitalAMN’s clients and equity portfolio companies. As a DigitalAMN subsidiary, TCS will continue with its development into a full-service agency, focused on offering cost-effective, high-quality marketing and communications services, for Reg A+ and Reg. CF endeavors, to small and medium-sized businesses. This includes both microcap and small-cap publicly traded companies.

    “I am very excited to be joining the TCS team and for the future of the company,” stated Ms. Claudia Ecobici. “Equity crowdfunding plays an important role in shaping the entrepreneurship landscape of tomorrow and I believe TCS is properly geared up to capitalize on this growing industry.

    “Now, more than ever, marketing will be vital in putting crowdfunding at the forefront of meeting the challenges of tomorrow. TCS has a unique business model that positions it to provide high-quality marketing and communication consultancy and implementation services to help businesses reach their fullest potential.”
  18. Giants1967

    Giants1967 Member

    Dec 2, 2019
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  19. Giants1967

    Giants1967 Member

    Dec 2, 2019
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  20. Giants1967

    Giants1967 Member

    Dec 2, 2019
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