Separate names with a comma.
To all my stockaholics friends I wish you a great season, with all the loved ones around you. In this season keep in mind what are the most...
I still have a lot of PG that I got in Dec 2020, a junior position as you use to say. Performance is not amazing but is consistent for that type...
Added another lot of NVDA today, after earnings. I was going to add also WMT but considering the hard discount today on GOOG I will do it later....
Added a few AMZN and AAPL today ( sh each). I will wait for NVDA tomorow. I want also to enter WMT.
I was lucky and careless. Normally I dont enter any position a day before earnings. However last Friday was holiday here and I had the time... I...
Just a quick question, an "off-topic", my curiosity. How do you vote in USA? Beeing present in a vote area I imagine. But can you also vote by...
Same here Smokie. Next week, hopefully, I will end the big periodic shutdowns for investment/maintenance purposes at our facility; this ones we...
Works both ways. Illegal immigration has a cost but does also brings return. Those people, part at least, do work, pay taxes and make economy...
@WXYZ glad you bailed out SMC did you see today.....a sharp fall Not getting in...
some consolidation stop 70's, I bet
I read that first in "Rich Dad Poor Dad" Robert Kiyosaki book some years ago. That book for a portuguese reader is not so interesting considering...
Yah....shoping (sales) season will be sooner than I thought!
Yep Lori, I saw it on TV this weekend, riots a bit everywhere. As usual political movements fueled by populism offer simple solutions to complex...