HYMCZ - Hycroft Mining Holding Corp

Discussion in 'Penny Stocks' started by ResponsibleYogurt300, Feb 13, 2021.

  1. ResponsibleYogurt300

    Feb 13, 2021
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    It looks like HYMCZ is about to become one of the most profitable trades on the NASDAQ. The article explains that approximately $2,000 can potentially return $190,000 if everything goes according to their plan. This means that for every 2,000 held, the reader can potentially profit up to $95,000 or more based on the last closing price. A rising wedge compression triangle has now also been confirmed on the weekly candlestick chart, and is ready to burst to the upside at any moment.

    The due diligence of this thread is found in the 122 pg PDF located at the link found at the bottom of this post.

    This security does not require price pumping or forcing shorts to cover as we have previously seen with GameStop GME, AMC Entertainment Holdings AMC, and other publicly traded corporations. This is a real situation that is happening today that anyone can take part in. Purchasers of this security are encouraged to unite with this large group of investors and hold until the end.


    When the price of a security begins to float upwards with very little buying it can create the perfect scenario for a very profitable trade.

    Situations like this seldom occur and are typically caused by several key factors:

    1. There may be an opportunity in which the majority of the investment community is unaware.

    2. Those holding do not sell as they anxiously wait for some form of event to occur.

    3. This may involve a low volume security that is not frequently traded, with the amount of volume playing a crucial role in the speed at which the price increases. As buyers begin to come on board, the lower the average daily volume of a security, the quicker the increase in price.

    4. The security may have fewer day sell orders than GTC good until cancel orders. This typically causes large jumps in price within seconds, especially with securities that have substantially fewer day orders.

    5. The security may have wide selling spreads in the level II order book. The wider the spread, the greater the opportunity.
    For those new to investing, to illustrate this last point, in the following scenario let's assume securities are available for sale at the following prices: 1,000 @ $1, 1,000 @ $2, and 1,000 @ $3. As soon as the next 3,000 are purchased, the value of the security increases instantly by 300%. When this happens, it is expected that selling will soon follow due to profit takers taking profit, however, in this situation, in which the perfect storm is created, the price will keep floating upwards due to the fact that holders are not selling. Instead, they are waiting for the anticipated event to occur which is expected to return much more than just $3 per share.

    These opportunities are typically here today and gone tomorrow meaning that once the event is triggered the opportunity is no longer available. Some examples are mergers and buyouts in small to medium size corporations, and large lawsuits which favor the holders of a particular security.

    This creates an interesting opportunity for investors.

    As new investors begin to purchase just a small amount of the security, the price tends to float upwards until news about the stock's recent increase in price causes trading alerts to occur across the various trading platforms of large institutional investors who are watching around the clock for such triggers. When this happens, the price shoots up drastically and quickly in one single day due to the size of the small entry door of buyers who want to be the first to join in on the action. This creates a very profitable scenario for the early birds.

    As investors, we should always be on the lookout for such trading opportunities. One such trading opportunity today that checks off every one of the 5 boxes listed above is with HYMCZ.

    A brief history

    On September 21, 2020, the SEC received complaints from 432 investors filed against Hycroft Mining Holding Corp. HYMC and former CFO Stephen Jones revealing the mistreatment of Hycroft investors, specifically holders of HYMCZ, the previous Allied Nevada Gold Corp shareholders, claiming that Hycroft management raised over $608 million dollars in total secondary offerings and then afterwards intentionally destroyed all stockholder equity, on the books only, which resulted in handing over the multibillion dollar gold and silver Hycroft mine to the hedge funds, leaving investors with nothing, essentially stripping them of their entire investments.

    Investors were completely outraged and joined together to devise a plan to get back their hard earned capital. Investors knew who they were up against and knew that those pulling the strings have deep pockets. Therefore, instead of filing a lawsuit, hundreds of investors joined together, and over the years gathered the necessary documents which expose every step of their clever plan used to extinguish shareholders. They then compiled this information into a massive PDF book, and sent it directly to the SEC.

    This is probably the first and only time this will ever happen in the history of the stock market. It's not guaranteed but this group of currently more than 500 investors believes that there is a 99.9% chance that the SEC is going to sue, or is already in the process of suing Hycroft Mining Holding Corp HYMC for every last penny of these ill-gotten gains.

    This group has devised such a detailed plan to get the attention of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that it would be virtually impossible for it not to work. With complaints piling in month after month, this is just the beginning. Investors believe that if the SEC investigates the information in the book, the 29 chapters will do the rest, due to the fact that each chapter is complete with links to the exact locations of documents that prove extreme ill-gotten gains that must be returned to their rightful owners.

    The unknown variable in this equation is how much the SEC will sue for.

    If the SEC provides a recovery of 100%, a fund could be established for up to $608 million dollars, which would provide HYMCZ holders with up to $47.87 per HYMCZ held.

    When the original investors were issued HYMCZ, a holder of just 1,000 cost the original holder anywhere from $40,000 to $100,000 when these were converted from ANV to HYMCZ depending on the price at which they bought ANV. This is the capital that was unjustly taken from the original holders and shows just how bad the HYMCZ holders were taken advantage of. When they were stripped of their shares they were given approximately 1 single HYMCZ for every 10 ANV shares they previously held, an outright insult to investors.

    Due to the enormous potential gains one can instantly achieve once a lawsuit is announced, HYMCZ should currently be trading at a minimum of $4. According to a recent article, a $4 purchase price represents only 8.35% of the potential amount a purchaser can gain if the recovery fund provides a 100% recovery.

    These gains do not take into account punitive damages which have been known to sometimes far exceed actual damages. If punitive damages are awarded, for every $500 million in punitive damages added to the recovery fund, the recovery fund would add an additional $40 per HYMCZ held. This means that with a 100% recovery and just $500 million in punitive damages, holders could receive up to $47.87 + $40 = $87.87 per HYMCZ held. The greater the desire of the judicial system to make an example out of Hycroft Mining Holding Corp HYMC management so that this behavior is not repeated, the greater the potential punitive damages.

    This group of determined investors wants the public to be able to profit from management's greed.

    For those familiar with the movie, "Now you see me one and two", this is similar in that the large corporations stole millions of dollars from the public, and a group called the four horsemen came together to get this cash back into the hands of the rightful owners taking the corporations by surprise. This is similar but instead of 4 horsemen, there are over 500 horsemen.

    This group is encouraging each reader to pick up 1000 to 2000 HYMCZ. For every 1000, the holder stands to make up to $47k making this well worth the risk at the current prices. Currently the price is under $1, hovering around the 50 cents range, so anyone can pick up 1,000 to 2,000 and risk very little. Those who are not able to afford 1,000 to 2,000 are encouraged to purchase as many as possible. Just 500 HYMCZ have the ability to return up to $23,500.

    Purchasers are encouraged to complete their orders as soon as possible because at any moment the SEC could announce a lawsuit. Once a lawsuit is announced, this opportunity will no longer exist.

    Many investors have lost money in the past on previous investments and in these tough times are looking for a way to recoup their losses. We are sharing this as a way for those individuals to piggyback off of this group's efforts taking the position of the large holders who are selling because they do not know about this group of investors and what they are working on behind the scenes.

    There is a risk that the SEC does not end up suing but this group is doing everything in their power to make it happen.

    The 122 page 29 chapter PDF book contains everything that the SEC needs in order to sue and to put the final nail in their coffin, we are asking that each reader who purchases at least 1 HYMCZ adds themselves to the original SEC complaint by following the simple 5 minute step by step instructions that is ready and waiting for you at the link below.

    There are only 12,721,623 HYMCZ in total.

    It is unknown how many HYMCZ are currently available for sale on the open market. We do know that approximately 3 million of the approximately 12.7 million are not for sale because this group of approximately 500 investors are the original holders of these 3 million.

    We do not know how long these will still be offered at these low prices since the majority of people are not selling. It is our hope that you can get your hands on these and hold onto them until the finish line with the rest of us. By doing this, you are uniting with over 500 investors who are in this with you.

    Please share with the Reddit boards you subscribe to, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and all other social media. This may literally be a once in a lifetime opportunity for the little guy. Please also pass this to your friends and family so they can also get 1000-2000. We are very happy to be bringing it to you and look forward to celebrating with you when everything is over!

    This is one of the few times where money will be metaphorically dropped from the sky. Anyone who wants it, get ready!

    Note that there are several confusing HYMC symbols and that the symbol referred to here is HYMCZ with a Z.

    The article, which contains complete details, along with the link to download the book that was sent to the SEC and the link to the simple 5 minute step by step instructions to add yourself to the the original SEC complaint, is located at the following website:

    #1 ResponsibleYogurt300, Feb 13, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2021
  2. ResponsibleYogurt300

    Feb 13, 2021
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    Anyone who has lost money in the past in any investment and wants to find a way to make it back, needs to read this post!
    #2 ResponsibleYogurt300, Feb 13, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2021
  3. AlphaFighter

    AlphaFighter New Member

    Feb 14, 2021
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  4. T0rm3nted

    T0rm3nted Moderator
    Staff Member

    Apr 2, 2016
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    Best way to know a stock NOT to buy is people telling you directly that you should.
    Jin Jin likes this.
  5. Syynik

    Syynik Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2016
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  6. Syynik

    Syynik Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2016
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    When the person's name is Pumpy McPumperson, I go waaaay far awaaaaaayyyyy....
  7. ResponsibleYogurt300

    Feb 13, 2021
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    This was posted here to give the public the opportunity to be a part of something big. Situations like this are extremely rare. Before saying that this is a pump and dump at least read the table of contents of the 29 chapter book so that you know what you are talking about. There are more than five years of due diligence that went into that book which explain everything that is going on. If you do not want to be a part of this, you do not have to be.

    Pump and dumps, get pumped up, and then crash because of those selling. HYMCZ is up over 300% so far and will continue to rise because noone is selling for a reason. Please refrain from making such negative comments without having done any investigation on the matter.

    All watching this are advised to check the price each passing month. This will go down in history as the largest gold and silver recovery in the world.

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