I haven't played pennies in many years but I still hold EVSP a worthless sub- penny Pink. I seen unusual volume on it today and maybe they are ready for another pump and dump. The only thing I could find was a post saying that Penny Stocks Weeklys analysis did a promo on EVSP but I could not pull it up. Up on 680,000 shares traded Average volume 28,734 EVSP website not updated in years http://evsp.com/index.php http://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/EVSP/quote If there is any interest in this I will create a thread for it
No problem there, if it is a pump and dump I will be the dumper and get rid of these worthless shares
It could be that another promotion could be underway soon. If that big vol spike was the promoter taking a position, Im not seeing much follow through yet, which means this was a crappy promotion, or its early and there is more coming. Then there is the possibility it was nothing and this drops to 0.0001 next week.
I think it is a early promotion as there is nothing on any stock forum other than what I posted. They are most likely sending out news letters or what have you. Go to 0.0001 next week...Hey there is big support at .0006
Definitely setting up up for some promoting once enough shares are bought. The high is now the bid. Correction bid is at .0009
Right place at the right time I guess As you know Gil, I am not a penny player but I am a opportunist and I smell money. There is no news and their website hasn't been updated since 2011. The last time EVSP had a big run it was near 40 cents before the rug was pulled out. I am not suggesting this as a play at this time but only a gamble. I would be happy if it goes from a sub-penny to a penny stock,
Oh no down 30% on a $31.50 trade. My guess it will either be flat or up by EOD on Monday at the latest. Let's see if I am right