AQSZF (MC $10 M) 2 Marketed Drugs & 3 Drugs nearing Approval

Discussion in 'Penny Stocks' started by Biotechmaster, Sep 21, 2016.

  1. Biotechmaster

    Biotechmaster Member

    Jun 3, 2016
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    This completely undiscovered low float is definitely one of the cheapest Biotech Gem you can get at this time. This Stock has 10 bagger Potential easily with all the Big Drugs close to Market entry .Aequus has begun to Market 2 Drugs called Vistitan (Glaucoma) and Tacrolimus IR (Transplant) in first half 2016 in Canada and they got the Canadian rights for the Epilepsy drugs Trokendi XR and Oxtellar XR from Supernus Pharma (SUPN) earlier this year , NDS submission for Approval is expected in early 2017 .Peak sales for these 4 drugs is between $40-45 Million according to Management which is HUGE for this microcap stock with a ridiculous market cap of $10 Million .Management alone holding over 16 Million shares Ceo just bought 840k shares at 0.30 a few days ago .GLTA

    Aequus Pharma (AQS.V) (AQSZF)

    Market-Cap: $10 M
    Price: 0.21

    Shares out: 54 Million

    Presentation August 2016 Pharmaceuticals August 2016.pdf

    Marketed Products :

    Tacrolimus IR

    Aequus initiated promotional efforts for tacrolimus IR in December, 2015 •Tacrolimus products currently account for ~30% of a $300 million immunosuppressive market in Canada •Aequus is promoting the first to market generic version of Prograf (tacrolimus IR)


    •Aequus initiated commercial activities in Q2 2016 for Vistitan (bimatoprost 0.03%) •The Canadian glaucoma market in 2014 was estimated to be over $137 million, of which prostaglandins remain one of the primary treatment options.

    Topiramate XR (Epilepsy and Migraine) NDS submission to Health Canada in 1Q 2017 <<< Licensed from Supernus Pharma (SUPN)

    Oxcarbazepine XR (Epilepsy) NDS submission to Health Canada in 1Q 2017 <<< Licensed from Supernus Pharma (SUPN)

    NDA Filing for AQS-1301:Expected 3Q2017 Expected Commercial License(If Bioequivalence demonstrated in Phase I, Registration Study may NOT be required for Approval of AQS1301)

    AQS-1301, a transdermal aripiprazole product candidate in development for potential weekly use in the treatment of irritability associated with autistic disorder, bipolar I disorder, schizophrenia and major depressive disorder. The currently available dosage forms of aripiprazole (sold primarily under the trade name Abilify®) reached total worldwide sales of over $8 billion USD in 2014. A once-weekly transdermal patch has the potential to improve medication adherence and reduce the frequency of relapse.

    Interview with Ceo Doug Janzen

    James West: Sure. Let me ask that another way: how do you plan to get to – I mean, how many of these deals can you do a year?

    Doug Janzen: We bought our commercial infrastructure last July, and since then we’ve launched two products and we’ve just licensed the two Supernus programs. Those four products, we think an aggregate can do $40 million, $45 million at peak sales.

    James West: Sure. Have you built a pharmaceutical company before, Doug?

    Doug Janzen: I have. So I’ve been in this industry for 20 years. I was a banker, then I ran a therapeutic company called Cardiome Pharma; I built that from 50 million to over 1 billion at its peak, and exited after doing an $800 million license with Merck — still the largest license transaction in Canadian history.


  2. Biotechmaster

    Biotechmaster Member

    Jun 3, 2016
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    Great Management here / Massive undervalued ( Market cap $13.9 M) / New Deals regarding In and Outlicensing on the way . This undiscovered stock is a great buying opportunity with tremendous upside potential .GL


    Once-Weekly Transdermal Aripiprazole

    Patch Positive Proof of Concept Clinical Data for Once-Weekly Transdermal Aripiprazole Patch: Aequus’ once-weekly transdermal aripiprazole program is being developed for the treatment of certain psychiatric disorders. In the first half of 2016, Aequus announced positive results from an initial Proof of Concept clinical study, which suggested the current formulation may provide sustained, seven-day delivery of therapeutic doses of aripiprazole. Aequus is preparing for the follow-on, multi-dose bioavailability study expected to be initiated in the second half of 2016. Aequus has also expanded the patent portfolio for this program, with a patent issued / allowed in five major countries or regions, including the US, Russia, Mexico, Japan and Australia, and pending in multiple additional territories. Aequus owns worldwide rights to the formulation described in the issued patent, and will look to partner commercial rights in markets outside of Canada as the program continues to advance.

    Long-Acting Transdermal Anti-Nausea Patch

    Advancement of IP and Formulation Optimization for Long-Acting Transdermal Anti-Nausea Patch: Aequus is advancing a once-daily and up to a once-weekly transdermal doxylamine and pyridoxine combination patch for the treatment of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (NVP). During the first half of 2016, the Company completed preclinical studies and expects to advance the current formulation into Proof of Concept clinical studies in the second half of 2016. Aequus has filed an international patent that covers the current formulation and has ownership of worldwide rights.

    Aequus has been engaging with third parties around partnering discussions for each of its internal programs, with a goal of ensuring the maximum benefit is realized by shareholders.

    Ian Ball – Former Global Head of Brand Maximization and Lifecycle Strategy with Novartis

    Strong relationships with key executives at Novartis and Sandoz
    Ability to structure low-upfront deals for valuable products
  3. Biotechmaster

    Biotechmaster Member

    Jun 3, 2016
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    Good News

    Aequus Obtains Ontario Provincial Listing for Vistitan(TM)

    "This is a major milestone since the launch of PrVistitan™ as Ontario accounts for over 40% of prescription volume in the prostaglandin class of medications," said Ian Ball, Chief Commercial Officer at Aequus. "Improved access to PrVistitan™ in Canada's largest market is expected to drive revenues towards during the remainder of 2016 and beyond."
  4. Biotechmaster

    Biotechmaster Member

    Jun 3, 2016
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    Im back on this unknown and super brutally underpriced Gem after a conversation with Ceo janzen .. Here is a reply from last friday Jan 6 at 10:13 PM

    Hello Bernstein and Happy New Year… Thanks for your email.

    The share price has been a negative surprise over the last few months. The business is going well, sales are growing and we expect additional commercial deals for revenue generating products to be announced this quarter. We also are about to start the second clinical trial for our transdermal Abilify product this month and our partner Corium has begun work on the next two transdermal programs. We have a lot of confidence in the business model and expect big things in 2017. Tax loss selling hurt the share price in December but in general the share price has been weaker than I expected. I personally bought 1million shares in 2016 and plan to buy more once I come out of a trading blackout. Our goal is to be profitable before the end of 2017 which at that point will remove the requirement for going to investors for financings.

    Happy to chat if you would like to have a phone call…

    Best, Doug Janzen Chairman and CEO / CoFounder Aequus Pharmaceuticals
  5. Biotechmaster

    Biotechmaster Member

    Jun 3, 2016
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    AQSZF is close to profitability and to file 3 NDA and the whole company is valued at ridiculous $11 Million ,this stock must be the cheapest Biotech out there .Stock should be at minimum $2+ right now . investor November 2016_web.pdf

    File for CDN approval of Topiramate XR and Oxcarbazepine XR

    Operational profitability estimated in 2017

    Two products launches to date (Tacrolimus IR and Vistitan™)

    3 long-acting, transdermal programs in development, on track to file NDA in 2018
  6. Biotechmaster

    Biotechmaster Member

    Jun 3, 2016
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    Great Vid out today
  7. Edson wag

    Edson wag Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    AQSZF has been showing support at 0.2006 and resistance at 0.2986. Technical buying signal was on.
    Aequus Successfully Completes Dosing in Second Proof of Concept Clinical Trial of Transdermal Aripiprazole Patch
  8. Biotechmaster

    Biotechmaster Member

    Jun 3, 2016
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    Good News out today ..Cannabinoid Patch =HUGE Potential

    VANCOUVER, BC--(Marketwired - March 02, 2017) - Aequus Pharmaceuticals Inc. (TSX VENTURE: AQS) (OTCQB: AQSZF) ("Aequus" or the "Company") announced today that through a previously announced Research Service Contract with Transdermal Research Pharma Lab ("TRPL") it has entered into a binding term sheet (the "Term Sheet") to acquire an exclusive world-wide license to a transdermal patch containing cannabinoids, for the use in epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), and certain other neurological disorders.
  9. Biotechmaster

    Biotechmaster Member

    Jun 3, 2016
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    The bought deal financing creates a fantastic buying opportunity.

    There is a lot of big news on the way which will drive the sp much higher again like the AQS1301 topline results which are imminent(this month) and new Product acquisitions .The Stock is brutally undervalued with a laughable market cap of just US$15 million .

    fundamentals after financing :

    Marktcap: c$20.5 Million ( US$ 15.1 Million )
    Cash: c$4.5 Million << enough untill mid 2018
    Price 0.285

    Aequus Successfully Completes Dosing in Second Proof of Concept Clinical Trial of Transdermal Aripiprazole Patch...

    The Company expects to report topline results from this multi-dose study in the first quarter of 2017.
  10. Biotechmaster

    Biotechmaster Member

    Jun 3, 2016
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    Financing is closed today and Aequus got the full amount of cash which is good News .

    Aequus Raises $5.2 Million Through Bought Deal Financing Including Full Exercise of the Over-Allotment Option

    The Company has now cash untill mid 2018 excluding Product Sales and new Partner Deals . A lot of big news are on the way which could push the stock much higher . Management and Institutions alone holding almost 70% of Company Shares . AQS is a must have at these ridiculous low price. This one has the potential to run like Biosyent (RX.V) which went from 0.10 to over $10 now at $7.50 .

    Market-Cap: c$20.5 Million (US$15.15 Million)
    Cash: c$5.1 Million << enough untill mid 2018
    Price: $0.22

    Presentation investor November 2016_web.pdf


    AQS1301 topline results in 1Q 2017

    Operational profitability estimated in 2017

    File for CDN approval of Topiramate XR in 1H 2017

    File for CDN approval of Oxcarbazepine XR in 1H 2017

    Additional Product acquisitions in 2017

    Partnership for AQS1301 in 2017

    Two products launches to date (Tacrolimus IR and Vistitan™)

    3 long-acting, transdermal programs in development, on track to file NDA in 2018

    MUST Watch

    Podcast: Aequus Pharmaceuticals CEO Doug Janzen on the low cost of drug commercialization in Canada

    James West: Sure. Have you built a pharmaceutical company before, Doug?

    Doug Janzen: I have. So I’ve been in this industry for 20 years. I was a banker, then I ran a therapeutic company called Cardiome Pharma; I built that from 50 million to over 1 billion at its peak, and exited after doing an $800 million license with Merck — still the largest license transaction in Canadian history.

    James West: Sure. Let me ask that another way: how do you plan to get to – I mean, how many of these deals can you do a year?

    Doug Janzen: We bought our commercial infrastructure last July, and since then we’ve launched two products and we’ve just licensed the two Supernus programs. Those four products, we think an aggregate can do $40 million, $45 million at peak sales.
  11. Edson wag

    Edson wag Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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  12. Edson wag

    Edson wag Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Up 6% so far.
    Volume: 46835
  13. Biotechmaster

    Biotechmaster Member

    Jun 3, 2016
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    GREAT News out , this product alone could bring as much as $200 million in annual revenue and this unknown goldmine is value at laughable $14 million .This one has reallly 20 bagger potential if everything goes well .GL

    Aequus Pharmaceuticals : Announces Positive Results from Second Proof of Concept Study for Long-Acting Aripiprazole Transdermal Patch

    The Abilify brand and generic tablets had U.S. sales of approximately $3.1 billion MAT for the most recent twelve months ending in August 2016 according to IMS Health*.

  14. Edson wag

    Edson wag Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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  15. Biotechmaster

    Biotechmaster Member

    Jun 3, 2016
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    Up she goes again and still terrible undervalued ...

    Another product acquisition imminent , im very optimistic that this unknown stock will hit $1 before year end .

    Must Watch to realize the mega potential here
  16. Biotechmaster

    Biotechmaster Member

    Jun 3, 2016
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    AQS is very close to acquire rights up to 9 Marketed Products
    with these Products aequus will have 11 Marketed Products so you can be sure that they will reach profitability very quickly . Now add Aequus other real Big drugs Oxcarbazepine XR ,Topiramate XR and AQS1301 which all three Drugs are expected to enter the Market by around mid 2018 with these Drugs revenue will explode to the upside i think peak sales for all the products mentioned above can hit $100 MILLION in revenue .Maybe now you guys understand why i say this goldmine with a dirt low market cap of US$15 million has 20 bagger potential and even that is conservative in the long term.

    9 Products + Vististan + Tacrolimus = Peak Sales of $15 Million
    Topiramate XR +Oxcarbazepine XR = Peak Sales of $40 Million
    AQS1301 (AQS has global rights) = Peak Sales of minimum $50 million (USA alone)


    Ceo Janzen is talking about these 4 drugs Topiramate XR Oxcarbazepine XR ,Vististan & Tacrolimus in the interview below

    Doug Janzen: We bought our commercial infrastructure last July, and since then we’ve launched two products and we’ve just licensed the two Supernus programs. Those four products, we think an aggregate can do $40 million, $45 million at peak sales.

    NDA Filing for AQS-1301:Expected 3Q2017 Expected Commercial License (If Bioequivalence demonstrated in Phase I, Registration Study may NOT be required for Approval of AQS1301)

    The Abilify brand and generic tablets had U.S. sales of approximately $3.1 billion MAT for the most recent twelve months ending in August 2016 according to IMS Health*.
  17. Biotechmaster

    Biotechmaster Member

    Jun 3, 2016
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  18. Edson wag

    Edson wag Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    From the relationship between price and moving averages; we can see that: this stock is BULLISH in short-term; and NEUTRAL in mid-long term. Looking for breakout at 0.1613.

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