Separate names with a comma.
To justify this valuation, AMD would have to grow at ~45% for three years, while doing it very efficiently.
Another 10+%...!
Why would you post anything from that gormless, incompetent, mouth-breathing charlatan here?
See, all I'm concerned about is not adding more sooner or having sold whatever I did previously. Bad place to be in...
I haven't really done a post-COVID evaluation of either company. I have a much smaller position in INTC (7500 shares at ~36; held consistently)....
Really thinking about unloading some here. Since the stock was around $17 I've thought about unloading but really haven't at all, just buying and...
Flow of funds doesn’t equal the underlying value of the asset...
LOL. I thought I had sold this stock back in 2014 for around 10/share. Turns out I had only sold half my position! So I'm both happy that I...
My feeling is that for most people who have target funds/mutual funds/index funds in their portfolio, they already have exposure to boeing stock.
Opened up a small position (500 shares) at 160.00.
Remember that the flow of funds isn't the underlying asset itself.
Buy double as recompense.
I'll be adding to my position at these levels.
Last time I valued AMD I valued it at ~21, so this is getting into sell territory. I'm definitely suffering from a bit of an endowment effect and...
Apples motto should be "it just works".
IMO, if you are going to buy a stock based on the price of a commodity, just buy the commodity.
I think so.
Looking good today!
From a valuation standpoint, I think this stock is worth around ~17-17.50/share. It is getting close to where the margin of error becomes a factor.
I will try. Using 2016/2017 numbers. Assuming current 8.7% CoC heads to the industry average of 8.5% over time. With 40% growth rate for 3 years,...