Separate names with a comma.
Hey guys, we’ve had a great year so far. I do want to bring a quick report from my business, and a “side” observation; I have had 6 vacancies in...
The construction is at DEMO mode, which took about a month… lots of changes with that building including an addition of a second floor and roughly...
PLTR sets another record high… This company is doing great. Really wish I didn’t have my construction project going on otherwise I would’ve easily...
As expected, PLTR broke an ATH yesterday and stayed the course. I don’t usually do graphs and statistics, but now that they are an SP500 company...
And the boss…… Adondè?
Well look at that… just a little over a month goes by since I made that statement and… boom - 52 week high… give it a day or two and we’ll be at...
Yup that he did and he even asked us to make him some money which we did. Emmett is greatly missed, I enjoyed having him around manning the DJ...
And where is the boss?
PLTR on its way to an ATH… it’s not a matter of IF, but WHEN. I predict this will happen in the coming weeks or even sooner! Great company to own!
How about that PLTR eh? My thoughts… it’s the REAL deal, I’ve been following this company for years and owned it temporarily on a couple of...
Not sure I know if the market has decided to take a break from all the WINNING we had in the past two years now or not but we’re DEFINITELY not...
So sooo sorry to hear that. Please stay strong. We are all praying for England and the world right now quite frankly, so much sadness. Godspeed
Hey guys, sorry been away for a minute (or two) Looks like a brutal day at the markets today. A “Black Monday” 2.0? We’ll see. Nothing to worry...
Wow, I’ve been away for a couple of weeks and ALOT has changed here.. like… W buys chipotle!! I’ve been thinking about it when they announced the...
Utilities are going up every month. Insurance renewal for our commercial properties in NY went up, get this, by 40%!! There was a time when we had...
Market is taking a break as expected, I wouldn’t get excited over the next few months, I’m actually thinking of putting the cash that I have on...
Lori, how are ya today? I assume pretty green ;)
Class let’s see if you have an answer to strathmore… Yes, you in the back over there… W?
Nice comeback today. Wow, I don’t recall seeing so much volatility with earning both negatively and positively for a loooong time. But so far...
Hard to believe, I’m actually green today, so yea… Zuckerberg can suck my left nut, as long as I got Elon making me money today…. Ooops did I say...