Separate names with a comma.
Yes these Guys on the Forbes Billionaire List Can be Considered "Celebrities", but I Do Not View these Men in that Regard. These Guys are the Top...
LVMH Boss Bernard Arnault Now has about a $50B Lead on Elon Musk. I Was Busy on Tuesday so I could not check (or did not even think about it...
Morning Folks, Be Meticulous on your Posts. Proof Read and then Proof Read Again. Push Post and then Re-Read Your Post. Use that Edit Button....
Yes. Howdy JWalker, There is no point in this forum or any other if there is no activity. The forum will simply seize to exist. If Investors...
A Solid Rally Today, and a Big Beat on the S&P Index. Day Two of 2023, and I can Officially Say, My Account is Positive YTD. I Had Some Huge...
Howdy WXYZ, Don't You Think You Gave out Too Much Information in this Post? -IndependentCandy14
I really have Not a Clue what AT&T, INC. is up to these days. Yes they have been around for Ages. I remember my Mum's Nokia from the Early...
I Like the Juicy Dividend that AT&T, INC. Pays Out. But Long Term Holders Most Certainly Haven't Gotten Growth; They may even have Capital...
I am Still Patiently Waiting. At this Point to me, it is a No Brainer to Just Wait for the Earnings Report. -IndependentCandy14
Today is is Microsoft's Turn to Draw the "Tank Card" Added MSFT back to my Watchlist Today after this ~5.5% Haircut. Some News Today:...
Well My Portfolio Did Not Start 2023 on a High Note. I Got Beat by the S&P Index Yesterday on the First Trading Day of 2023. Precious Metals...
It’s Like these Analyst. No One Knows. Throw a Dart. Try to Get it Right. This will be a nice thread to revert back to in 364 Days. LoL....
Howdy Stock1234, You gave a lot of Options to Pick From! LoL. I’m thinking +5% to -5% Range. I Picked Down -1-5%. Will I Stop Buying? No....
Last Trading Day of 2022 and I’m Green. By 0.01%. LoL. VTI Dragged me Down Today. NCLH and LOW were Red Too. Every Other Position Ended 2022...
TomB16, I Just Re-Read this Thread Too. What about his thread is about trading and NOT about Long Term Investing? -IndependentCandy14
Howdy Zukodany, Happy New Year! Mind Providing an Age Range? I just want to know to see how fellow investors are allocating capital. I’m...
Just Realized I posted this Here. It was Meant for the Daily Thread. Last I Saw, Tesla was in the Green today for a Change. This is what...
Howdy WXYZ, Yes. This is Important and more people in my age group should understand this. I Hope and Wish that I never Have to Touch my...
I am Out of the Country. I Do Not Log into Any Financial Accounts while Abroad. Boy is Today Tempting Me. -IndependentCandy14
No Santa Sleigh Ride in Sight. He’s already back to the North Pole. Hibernating and Preparing for 2023. -IndependentCandy14