Separate names with a comma.
VRX not looking too good today. IBB is up they are down.
watching tech to see what it does here. 200/50 convergence as resistance lines up with some tops and bottoms. Weakness in Asia. When things are...
Taiwan's recent performance is certainly lagging the other Asian indices. I didn't notice thx.
Not quite an appropriate analogy but close. I'd add, each time you used Viagra, the effects would be a bit shorter than last time until eventually...
CENT and OPCO but opco is pink
I picked up some FCX this AM and CNQ yesterday. I also like URA and RGR here. Got both of those too. I think for RGR, doesn't matter which way it...
Interesting that in March, Australia was tanking to join SSEC's downfall (nearly 10% below SPX) that began xmastime but then recovered, vs the...
Which index are you referring to? I posted this last week, what's interesting is the SSEC was a bit stronger but now its breaking down. SSEC made...
I disagree. It's free to sign up and put your video on both sites! Why wouldn't someone do that? I would. It's ad-based revenue, not youtube...
AMZN, to me, is sitting in a good spot for LT growth. Not a buyer at this level, but will watch for dips on a general bull market run.
FCX retrace to 50 today if someone wants in on that. gold stocks at their 20s... Yen down but still in it's uptrend channel Dollar up but still in...
I'm not a beginner but I don't trade for a living, I'm more an IT trader that tends to stick to traditional trades of stocks, shorting, and dabble...
I did figure out how to view AH/PM trading quotes. Not sure yet if I can trade that timeframe still though. I plan to get to an office and ask a...
Kinross is leading gold higher - knocking on new high since 2013. Yen positive today. USD holding ground. materials leading as spy breaks down...
Global markets are turning downward. Was going to post yesterday but decided not to. HSI, SSEC, NIKK, DAX all broke support (SSEC was the able to...
Not a good day for Asian markets that are open today.
Another interesting chart on XJY showing a decent indicator, not perfect. I went long miners in Jan and have had amazing gains so far (although by...