Separate names with a comma.
No more posts? Hmm. Look like a pump and dump scheme.
In my early investment days I made quite a few mistakes. If I could pass an advice onto you, it would be the ability to differentiate between...
What about Lucky Coffee? Oh wait, never mind.
Rumors today that FSLY is being considered to be bought out by Ciscso so the stock jumps 13%. Disclaimer: I do own FSLY.
I am waiting for additional posts by "spring" on this topic. Can you run an analysis on more mainstream corporations like TSLA or AAPL, or better...
I doubt the "prince" has $$$$$$ to invest. If he did, then he would have an army of people who are way smarter than he is to manage his money for...
For buying and selling stocks, you don't have to wait. You can buy right now and once you have the shares you can turn around and sell them...
it looks like the author is a teenager getting his/her feet wet in the investment world, having little money to play with. That's awesome IMO....
With the news of Congress requiring or about to require Chinese companies who list their shares on the US markets to submit to proper US-based...
I think the statement "the board is boring" was meant for me. Yes I did mention the lack of activity on this board ... in the Investment forum of...
I like all the companies on your list ... except TSLA. Not that I think TSLA is bad, but I am not sure about the EV space long term and TSLA is...
Trust me. I have been trying to do exactly this for 20 years now. Hit some. Miss some. Just like most everyone else.
Thanks Tom for the insight. I love how you accurately described how one's desire to work withers when they are 50s and over. I am in that...
Let the money ride assumes the stock will keep going up. If then why would you want to sell? If you think it has peaked then why would you want...
If you are talking about the domestic car makers like GM Ford them I agree. They tend to put short term interests before long term interest and...
Tom I join the discussion late so I don't know what your viewpoints are. Not sure why you would think the majority of ICE car makers will fold,...
You might be able to get that info if you know how to do computer programming and if the stock charts can be interpreted. Otherwise I have not...
I am a buy and hold kind of investor. While I like TSLA having an early lead in EV space, I dont want to underestimate the capabilities of the...
I assume you already knew the difference between Roth IRA and regular IRA and I also assume you know the tax rules of both. So not sure why you...
I read an article that due to TSLA getting added to SP500, index funds managers need to raise cash to buy TSLA. This is good for TSLA and bad for...