Separate names with a comma.
Years ago, Yogi Berra once said "whether you have cash or money you will be able to either buy or spend".
Interesting side note. Last year I filled a flat tire with fix -a -flat. The Les Schwab guy told me you can ruin the sensor in the tire that sends...
Pray tell, what are you suggesting someone invest in? Hat do you think about APPL?
Trying to teach my 3 kids a money lesson using monopoly money. A.K.A. grandparents money. So there are a lot of people on this website I have...
Well I went on the Al Gore internet and researched day trader success rate. How do you find out how the successful ones became successful?
I believe due to the dividend being reinvested. I believe my amt of shares would go up by 50% after 12 years.
I know plenty of people do that.
So OZON the chinese Amazon, opened early November under 40. I see no cooling
Ahhh a challenge. Pray tell how old are you and what is the longest you have ever waited for something.You give me a quarter and I will take a...
Was there a commission charge?
So everybody would like to buy at as low as possible. I bought both OZON and CPNG at the same time possible. To me they are both e-commerce and...
Years ago an old guy advised me on buying coins. "Early on learn a lot and spend a little." If you don't learn then someone will talk you into...
Well I have been quoting the Mama's and the Papa's for years about trying to get a fish on the line near Creeque Alley. You will need Al Gore's...
If your being sincere my best friends will chastise you. If your being sarcastic or using feigned sincerity maybe we can text on a regular basis....
I think anybody who puts money into any purchase of a position should be willing to ride out any storm. For me one of the reasons I bought this...
Who is Homer Simpson? Didn't he play for the Rams?
Hey your up that is good. Do you have a rule you always follow?
Well you have methods. You probably have used to these and had both success and failure, depending on your definition.
I like you WXYZ. I thought I had mentioned I am a unemployed comic. So I see the discussion about trading and investing as semantics. On June 12,...