Separate names with a comma.
Sold it today for $5.69
Glad to hear you did well. It is always better to take profits and lose even higher profits than hold on and lose what you could have had.
I think this one has a lot of potential for upward movement. I made 5% in a day so I am out until it retreats and shows signs of the next upward...
The overall trend from Dec 22,2017 is upward, the gap up today leaves a little to be desired for me. I will be watching this one and looking for a...
I am back on the CBL train at $5.55 and hoping for $5.69 or better in the next few days. [ATTACH] This one has treated me good so why not stay...
This one worked better than I had hoped for, sold for $5.72 for a 5% gain, not bad for 1 day. [ATTACH]
This has been my best find for today I believe this one gives me a very good chance of realizing a quick 2.5% return on my investment. Bought in...
Turned out to be a bust. Started off by buying too high. Total mistake on my part. Not the first time I have convinced myself that something good...
The downward pressure appears to be subsiding, still no sign of upward movement though. I may need more patience but I don't like taking loses....
My screen has treated me too good to ignore it. Although I have doubts I moved all-in on BAK purchasing my last block of this stock at $26.55....
Mission complete, got my 2.5% only took 1 day
That is what I am looking for, not long term. I 'm all about the quick gain and move on. For a long term investment, count me out.
Bitauto Holdings Limited provides Internet content and marketing, and transaction services for the automotive industry in the People's Republic of...
Although I expect a lot more from this one, I have decided to sell off half of my position in CBL if it reaches 5.64 today. I have two reasons,...
I am new to Stockaholics as well. kind of learning my way here. For myself I have learned risk lays in holding stocks. The less time you hold them...
I think we have all made that mistake. There is no such thing as a bad stock, just bad times to buy. When I buy a stock for the purpose of...
I believe this this one should being doing better than it has been doing. I have bought and sold this one a couple of times in the last few weeks....
Personally I am strictly a swing trader. I thought I should post a follow up [ATTACH]