Separate names with a comma.
$MNST up 13% after all the unusual volume spikes Tech Trader kept flagging last week. [IMG]
Someone just bought $5M in June 50x puts on $DISH. Pretty massive size especially given the almost non-existent open interest across most the...
$EQT (energy) finally really moving up after a $1M Sept. 75x risk reversal was bought last month. $PBR (Brazil) also continuing higher as usual....
Yet another large call buying in $OMF, this time 33 strike. Someone is constantly betting this is going to recover from the lows. This is...
Very interesting, thank you. It's always interesting to see what themes get implicitly picked up.
Someone just bought $2.2M in $DXJ June 50x calls, basically a dollar-neutral bet on Japan. $DXJ has a double bottom with resistance at $47 and...
Massive $2.4M buy in $FIZZ that pushed price up $2. Similar to 1m share trade in $MNST last week. Seems like someone is making a big bet in niche...
Timeframe is probably a month or two on my end. The call activity my system caught is mainly targetting June on 45x strike, which is not that far...
Shorting $KIE (insurance) and $GOOG (Google) as well. Tech Trader getting pretty bearish on anything outside Healthcare and Energy now. Looks like...
Tech Trader's $PBR trade up another 7%; only Brazil name left and it's the strongest. Also just shorted $RIO on $1.6M in put buying, effectively...
My Tech Trader automation is picking up $BMRN as well now to add to the Healthcare/Biotech theme. Very clear rotation going on....
Too late to trade but an interesting one to look at today is $PTC. Someone bought $200k in calls right before today's 8% jump. The call buying...
My Tech Trader automation's starting to see rotation from Brazil to last month's healthcare names. $EGRX up 15%; many names $BMY, $WLK, $GILD...
My Tech Trader automation just picked this up. Large 1M share buy on $MNST that just pushed the price a couple dollars. Similar trade on it last...