Separate names with a comma.
Ticker please???:D I am ready.
Imagine if this man knew about my "options addiction" and the maniac trades.. Hmm, :D
For the most part its a infodemic. Virus's come and go. Its not the end of the world like most would have you believe. Concerned? Yes, but not...
Full scale global pandemic???
A very good one at that sir. This is gambling money to pacify my option addiction. Its only 350 bucks. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Feel the rush, ahhhhhh.
Added 100 more and went all in, BOOM OR BUST - stay tuned. $ 350 bucks to da moon [ATTACH]
The virus is blown way out of proportion by our trustworthy media outlets " can you imagine that " .. The retail investors are racing for the...
Holding up pretty good after the monster run.
Not as red as I imagined it to be, added a few holds here and there. AAPL, TSLA, SPY; are the more expensive stocks held, need a major dip...
TSLA to da moon, I HOPE!!! Got 4 days to find out. LOL [ATTACH]
Bought 1 at 936.02 HODL. Could care less about daily price, will add on dips.
This one belongs to the BOSS LADY. "Preservation of capital" is a new phrase to me and I admit to entering unchartered territory. Never been...
Im baaaaacccccckkk!!!!! $ 250.00 to start. - Stay tuned.
Lord help me, I have influenced a top notch investor and created a option junkie. GO TOM GO!!!!!!
HEY TOM, Hold my beer. At your service, have calls will travel.
Congrats to Tom. Sadly, I still dont own TSLA shares.
It did with my relationship with ROBINHOOD. Was closing a simple BTO- STC option trade, which I did but, due to a glitch in their platform also...
Tom is like E.F. Hutton, " when he talks-money listens". I bought a FEW shares for a speculative LONG TERM position, to start. Time will...
Me being me, went in some calls yesterday. Woke up to a bloodbath, held on about a hour and turned it into this..Bout lost my A$$ on this one, HEY...