Separate names with a comma.
Howdy Steve Ma! When you Short a Stock, you Expose your Self to Potential Unlimited Losses. If you Buy, $1,000.00 Worth of TSLQ, the Max you can...
I Just Made a Small Contribution to my Taxable Brokerage Account and Went Shopping. I am Taking Advantage of the Holiday 2022 Sales. LoL. 56%...
Howdy Spud. Good Evening. I, like you, was about to Pull the Trigger on Tesla Today for my Swing Trade, but I did not. I’m Still Waiting...
I was Speaking with a Fellow Two Days Prior and he didn’t believe me when I told him that the Massive Volume is due to Mr. Musk Selling. Well...
A Small Loss Today. Notable Mover that Kept me above the S&P Average today was SOFI Rocketing up 6.09% I Made My Retirement Plan Contribution...
I am Predicting a French Win in a Penalty Shootout. -IndependentCandy14
That was Fun to Watch. This Match is Good. It Could Easily be Morocco 2 France 1, or France 3-Nil. Both Teams got Lucky. Hopefully another...
I Got Excited when I Just Read this Article. The Amount of "Financial Gurus" on Social Media Platforms is Absurd. Get Rid of them All! Title: SEC...
A). 2pm Today, France vs. Morocco B). 2pm Today, Fed Meeting I Pick A! Who wants to Watch the Fed when the FWC is going on. C'Mon France!...
New 52 Week Low Here. Man I am Tired of Saying that. LoL. Waiting, Patiently. -IndependentCandy14
Some Good News Out this Morning on Two of my Holdings, but Nothing will Matter till the Fed Today at 2pm. DAL (Delta Airlines, INC.) Raised Q4...
A Little Article Popped up this Morning about the Current Demand for Gold....
Howdy Spud! Hope All is Well. Pre-Covid through 2020 it was almost always Coins. American Silver and Gold Eagles, Gold Canadian Maples, Silver...
My Updated Portfolio Holdings to Include Precious Metals: Individual Equities: 40.09% ETF's and MF's: 50.45% Metals: 9.46% Through my Research...
Staring Today, I Will Not be Posting my Daily Gain or Loss vs. the S&P Index anymore. I did Something New Today after Writing my Previous Post....
I Expected the Argentina Win, but I thought Croatia would at least Compete and Keep it Close. Congrats to Messi and Co. France should be Able...
I wanted to Follow Up on This Post. Sometimes you Think that you have Missed an Opportunity, the Ship Has Sailed, but Boy do Times Change....
52 Week Low. Stock is Broken. Massive Rally Cannot Even Help It. Happy I am Waiting Patiently for My Swing Trade Shares. -IndependentCandy14
The Only thing I have Liked about O'Leary is his Wrist Watch Collection. LoL. Nice CPI Print. Lower than Expected. Santa Rally Underway?...
Messi Winning the Cup Would be Nice to See, and Argentina are my Favorites to Win Today's Match. But I always Love Rooting for the Dawgs! Luka...