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Looks great but with this turns around don’t fight the trend.. sideways for a few days it had a great run up Friday.. let’s go bulls
In light of steadfast dividend news, stock should gradually run up until ex-dividend unless some other negative catalyst transpires.
If there is no 5-point gap up to 945 this could very well break down...if this closes red today it is toast Has to bounce big.
I wonder how today will play out? Technically looks good with support at the 50 day but news is a wild card. I think first hour dip BTF.
We found out that Sirius CEO is now Chair of Pandora Board. Shorts, you are all going to see $10 here soon, like it or not.
Low volume bear movement is nothing more than a healthy consolidation. Looks like a new floor till we get some news.
I just realized that it's been exactly 3 years since they IPO'd in the NYSE opening at $92.70. The stock had nearly doubled now.
Great partnership announcement with Baidu. Going back to $50. Book it, PE of 12 is so low for high quality tech company paying fat dividend.
Sitting on the hack info for months, management selling before announcement, seems like serious ethics breech to me.
We've been pinned to the 80 range awhile... but I still think we see mid 90s next year mid 18.
This will be approved. Let's just be glad Rite Aid is not doing well because otherwise they would not approve of this scenario. Go long on this...
Imagine if Apple we're trading at 27 times earnings like Microsoft instead of 18 times earnings. Huge upgrade cycle on its way. Over 90 million...
Glad I bought more when it dipped to 12.19 in AH when everyone freaked out about NK lol. Green tomorrow. Futures already heading green
The value this company brings to the brands it serves should give it a much higher market cap than $2b...great investment!
Buybacks means cheaper shares. More downwards trend folks. We are below the 200 SMA, first time this year. See you below 60 bucks.
This never ending drama with AAPL and Toshiba is hurting the stock and keeping it locked in a range.
80 a share by next week. I'm holding 100 put contracts at the 115 strike. Not closing just yet. Will wait for 80. Mark this post.
10 of the top 30 best selling CPU on Amazon is AMD. That's 33%. Now relate this to MC of Intel > 15:1. AMD is gaining in CPU and DC
This goes up $30 in 3 months and then drops $4 and you panic? its freaking this thing split 2 for 1 in the next year. IMO
Do we see this stock being an amazon price wise in about 5-7 years I do maybe not as high in price but the 400-450 range any believers