Separate names with a comma.
Yea, i had to count it twice myself... Mine is from a $1x3 I know several people who use these "sleep aid" things.. I couldn't imagine it myself,...
Candidate for the first trade of 2019... Healthcare sector has been among the least beaten down sectors... RMD stands out among the crowd Daily...
We have much in common... Also a fisherman!... North Texas for me, pretty much the same species here, add to the list white, striped and hybrid...
So this is why i havnt been as active here lately... New project!... A 1969 15' tri hull with a 55 hp Evinrude outboard!..... Floor is gutted,...
My XAR holding is 35% of my 401k account... Its just barely in the green for the year (2018 open was $83.84), and im still buying
@yellow vest this ain't over is it? Interesting thing about your movement over there... Seems to be no partisan undertone... It started over a...
My watchlists got cluttered again, so i cut a few out including DLTH... Sure had a hell of a week end of November!... Might be going back on, see...
Been a little distracted lately, i closed all my positions lil while ago planning to ride out the end of another break even year... But then today...
Looks like i nailed that target... But silly me, i took profits yesterday... I should change my screen name to "J leave it on the table" [ATTACH]
Expanding my horizons a little bit... Been keeping my eye open for quick swing trades after getting burned a couple times trying to time the...
Well ok then... There's your sign of weakness... Gap down 10% this morning:eek:
Lines are made to be broken It came into the range on strength, so without a sign of weakness, the default assumption would be a break up, not down
Cant seem to take my eye off retailers... Heres another one with relative strength to XLY, looking ready to break out of the range its been in all...
Short DISH as of Friday Still long DG and short HOG
Staples are high as a kite.. Outperformer MKC... Bonus, this one is a dividend aristocrat [ATTACH]
Trigger pulled... Short DISH @ $28.30
DISH showing confirmation of P&F targets... And a rewarding 50% downside objective... Bonus, the company does not pay a dividend [ATTACH]
Still long DG.. Now short HOG
Crazy idea for a trade... Kinda like a straddle.. Or a "sector spread".. Or arbitrage.. Or, idk, maybe theres a name for it already Been looking...