Separate names with a comma.
You can not hesitate to hit the button and sell the stock,,,,, (FYI) It's the same button you used to purchase and take a small...
It's hard to say,,,,,, you might have messed up when you placed the order... or,,,, It sounds like you put the stock up for sale using a limit...
The Market will continue to go up as long as the Federal Reserve keeps the presses rolling and keeps pumping that debt bubble... We are now living...
That's where you are wrong....... the XLA Millionaires were the "Pump and Dump Guys" [ATTACH]
I'm retired and just have fun playing in the Market and matching wits with all of those Wall Street Crooks.... The Market is my Casino...[ATTACH]
I feel the safest way to grow money in a retirement account is to stay in cash and sell Options. you can easily make an average return on your...
keep in mind,,,,, that when a stock pays a dividend,,, the stock price is adjusted downward,, the same amount that is paid as the dividend.... and...
[ATTACH]You have to maintain your sense of humor...... you have to admit,,, that was funny .................
Perfect time to buy!!!!....Buy it up now!!!!! Take out a personal loan and buy even more. It's been reported, “From An Unknown Source” that...
This will be the best trading advice you will ever get,,, when trading,,,,,, before getting into a position,,, step back and look at the "Big...
What you should invest in??? this economy,, with a fake market / economy ... you need to be in precious metals....the Government can't print...
I'm a long term investor to,,, this is my long term investment strategy.......
Yes,,,,, any stock that is traded on the major exchanges.... they have what's called "Market Makers" your stock will sell at what ever the bid is...
Take a minute,,,, and think about what you just said..... 20 shares at 100 = $2,000 50 shares at $40 = $2,000.... do you see my point.... I...
No,,, to get a million in the stock market,,, the trick is,,,, start with 2
It would pay you 6%,,, you answered your own question....
Do a stock screen for what you are looking for.....
The chart looks good,,,,, it just has very low volume ..... if it's a decent company,,,, a couple of good press releases and it will probably at...
Here is the Stock