Separate names with a comma.
They're in use for Film sets around the world. . . For Cruise Ships, they've added payment integration(cruise casino, gift shops etc) and...
Big Deal announced with Hockey Canada with TraceSafe, Will add nice revenue boost for Q4 and even more in Q1. More Venues and contract incoming!
Honestly, the Stock is Undervalued by a long shot. The market cap is justified by their Stake in Airbeam alone which was worth 13.5 Million during...
Up 33% today on the telus new.
It's a good revenue boost. Hopefully NHL is their next customer. Stock halted right now due to News Drop. Expecting postive news.
Cruise Ships passed a international maritime law meaning they all need new covid measures which is good. I think functionality will be good since...
Most of my portfolio is in IBKR, EQB.TO and NFLX. This is my speculative play. But my past spec plays (SIRI, TESLA) were the most successful.
100% revenue growth is good. New product launch Patient Path will help and they're just getting started in cruise ships and large scale venues. I...
I think TD ameritrade data is screwed up. Here's website link. I'm bullish on them for a few reasons. 85% profit...
Could be some of the Corona Effect. I think anticipation of future news on clients or new products.
Big volume today. 3x times the daily average in just the 1st hour alone.
TraceSafe is so damn undervalued. only 11M market cap with 6 in cash and assets in addition to a rising customer base. Expect over $2.00 by next...
Decent gain the last few days.
They only got 11 Million market cap, raised 4.1 Million got 1 Million investment in Airbeam and multiple revenue streams with rising subscribers....