Separate names with a comma.
Of what use would a chemical profile analyzer be to an Alexa device :confused: Quite the "aquasition" indeed.
Thanks. Wouldn't be here without your help :)
Sorry, I've had problems posting for these past few days. I think it's something with my wifi. I sold my HMNY shares at 9.25 ($8.81 - $9.25)
Sure =3 I got back into AMD at 6.31 after selling at 6.81 a few days back. I still think it's a good buy. And I grabbed some HMNY shares at 8.81,...
The Wall St Cheat Sheet haha. Been doing great! Not close to my million yet :P I've been great! Really enjoying the Olympics as always. How...
I really loved this :P
Those shares of AMD I picked up for $6.49 already looking pretty good... Also in HMNY $7.97 Monday/Out $15.40 yesterday forgot to post that one :P
I'm looking into Parrot (PAOTF) for this reason.
I did :P Thanks!
Yea, I've been practicing my trading with my ThinkorSwim paper trading account for a while, and sometimes invest real money when I'm confident I...
In WPX 9.34/Out 9.66
Hello! It's been much too long. I've just been too busy with work as a student to be on here as much as I'd like to. University > Investing,...
I think 9.34's a good entry for a swing trade :)
I'm up now :p
Thanks! I'll look into them.
I actually got in GLF at 3.51/out at 3.81 for a healthy profit today. I also picked up some SID shares. I was looking into WPX yesterday but...
If it breaks 9.70 do you think it's a good buy?
Thanks! Have a good rest of your day.
Yea, I've read through them both a few times. What are you looking at now? I'm looking at buying WPX if oil goes up to around $49, and I just sold...
Yea, I lost what I made on HMNY when I got in at LEDS at 10$... My 9.80 sell trigger didn't go off and now it's sitting at 8.74 :mad: