Separate names with a comma.
Here is the October 2017 issue of Sure Dividend. Good info for those that are long term dividend investors. Any questions about this please post...
The topic of getting current stock market news comes up a lot in the chat rooms. I've posted there before that I do have my Twitter configured to...
A Look at Stock Rover Stock Rover is as close to an all-in-one stop for stock information that I have seen. It has 2 separate sections that I...
It appears Option House is gone as it has merged with E-Trade
I don't think another conspiracy theorist is going to change my perception of long term vs short term. I'll give you a D- for effort though.
I lived in Largo, Florida on Pinellas county for over 20 years. Moved away 4 years ago. But, I'm very familiar with hurricanes and if this one...
I realize I am somewhat uneducated in bit coin as an investment but my cursory look gives me pause to think there is a huge bubble sitting on this...
Might as well keep posting these here as I get them. Here is the September 2017 issue. September 2017 Sure Dividend Newsletter It is...
Welcome to the forums. From your name you do some technical analysis?
I have half my portfolio on long term dividend plays. See this link for some ideas:...
If you are going to be trading, open up a brokerage account. Their software will provide you with real time quotes and depending on who you go...
PE is the number of years it would take for earnings to equal the price you are getting ready to pay for that stock. The faster it earns (lower...
It is not suspicious in and of itself. It would require some research into their financial reports, news and industry to see if there is any...
For those interested in long term dividend growth investing. August 2017 Sure Dividend Newsletter
Looking forward to seeing your input. Welcome to the forums.
It's coming from the price someone is willing to pay you for that stock you bought and are holding. And, you don't make a penny profit until you...
[ATTACH] (Example) Investing in sectors could be a good strategy but it is not hands off. You need to have a benchmark like ACWI or SPY and then...
Welcome to the forums. Lots of things to learn but getting the basics down is not that difficult. Do you know what style of investing is most...
Just gotta go back a little further and get some Jim Croce in here. Killed in a plane crash in the 70's we lost out on a lot of great songs....
I'm still long with a sizeable position in T. (sizable in that it is 18% of my total portfolio) Also had to post this message to get to 600...