Separate names with a comma.
The chart for the day .... It re-tested the day's VAL towards the end of day, but didn't have the juice to jump back inside The key here though...
Gotcha. Not trying to sound disagreeable, but it's hard for me to make heads or tales of those firms given that I don't know their track records....
It's one firm though. What's their track record for performance? Also when someone gives a PT of $35.00 they're not inciting that it will dump...
God I mismanage this trade. Starting to think some of the Q4 earnings were already priced in.
And just as though it looked like it had momentum and was surging again above the VAL - some shmuck comes in with a 900 sized order on the ask and...
So here's what we're looking at right now ..... I have two volume profiles up (each are shaded in yellow with the volume profile bars on the...
I still can't believe what I've been reading these past few days about all these volatility products. Derivatives created by greedy pigs with...
.................and of course once again it's shitting away large portion of its gap up. I hate this stock with a passion. I had my sell order...
I never hold thru earnings, so I woke my ass up at 4:45am MST to be able to re-enter @ 26.90. @Onepoint272 has his shares at 22 and 24 I believe....
Essential long positions for creating support cannot be built with such wild swings due to the absence of full orders being filled. The action...
Widespread bars like we've been seeing both to the downside (and now upside today) are not good for stability of markets. I know it sounds...
If the tail confirms then you're looking at ranging between 7400 and 9800 until the next leg down. Below is the volume profile curve for this...
Definitely not good from a long term support perspective. If new "value" isn't created higher up, markets revert to prior ones - simple as that....
This 8k level is temporary in my eyes. I can't stress enough how poor the structure was during the parabolic rise from 5k. Since the breakout...
On a personal level (not talking about technicals or speculation) - I f****'in hate this stock and the way it trades. It's one of the most...
Speaking of the departing COO ....... According to this tweet he has never sold a share.
You can also see that the news allowed the market makers to mark TWTR back up to January's most active price (POC), which is an MM's preference...
The week's most active price (POC) never shifted up from $22.84. IMO if the rumors were bonafied we prolly would've seen shorts and market...
Was wondering what was driving this today. At one point I did see a 1,500 size on the bid. I'm trying to do my best to not re-enter until...
Approx price at time of prediction was around 14,800. Missed it by a mere 350'ish. [ATTACH]