Separate names with a comma.
io non ti posso aiutare ... come sai non uso Fin.
eccovi... visto che non cera nessuno ho postato tutto sul scalping thred ... oggi fatto delle buonissime scalpate Raks mi dispiace per TEAR.. ha...
I couldn't resist.... got in-out DRYS :p:cool: nhod 2.99 now relaxing ... I can't have luck all day... so stop here
watch GLUU did well on Friday warning my thoughts are on scalping a quick in-out .. some coulda been a nice day trade but do your own DD and...
DRYS coming back up didn't get fill at 2.45 gone to 2.70 :( never mind that was a "gamble" a calculate done tho:p
Kosta IMGN ;)
di dyou see ELTK got halted 1.32 noe 1.20... now you know why I don't stay in long on this stocks
hello stranger... shssss I am counting my centsss :D:D
QBEK moving with little volume ... Fireopal was right regarding that KOSTA nice entry 9.47 out anywhere above 9.80 ;):D even CLF you coulda...
catch ELTK ;):p done my bit ... just right for quick scalping :D lovely one
out 7.42
didn't expect a nice scalp on TEAR (+15) after that drop in pre got few CLF 7.32
here it is Genocea Reports Positive Top-Line 12-Month Phase 2b Data for GEN-003 in Genital Herpes...
arrived too late to have a go on DRYS .... not as good but it move like Friday a/h keep an eye on GNCA news out .. I haven't seen yet
mi è capitato questo sitosottokkio "operativetrading .it" mi piace questo passaggio>>>>> non esiste nessun metodo che dà certezza di guadagno...
'morning all another week start so have a nice profitable one :) I haven't finished my DD (I thought to have a completely w/e away from the PC )...
mi accordo a Stars .... ma date qualche titolo;) :) io vi do questo DRNA ... cosa ne pensate? [IMG]
Buon fine settimana a tutti :)
closing here..... had a nice trade on DRYS now I can have a lovely w/e ;):D (got a bit confused with the thread but posted on the Italian one)...
spiacente che nessuno di voi era presente ma queste come DRYS bisogna sempre farci una scalpatina (con cautela) Raks ti saresti pagato le...