Separate names with a comma.
[IMG], Inc. $898.53 [IMG], Inc. (AMZN) is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 4:00 PM ET on Thursday, April 27,...
Seeking Alpha article from about a month ago: NAII - NAII...
Natural Alternatives International [IMG] Description Natural Alternatives International, Inc. engages in formulating, manufacturing, and...
I have trouble with having confidence in our president when he continues to demonstrate a complete lack of knowledge in foreign affairs. Thinking...
I agree for long term holding. Any time T is around the 5% yield range is a good time to get in and hold on for the dividends. This has been a...
There is no way United is going to come out of this looking good even though the guy being dragged out probably should have listened to orders...
Tesla is making a lot of noise in the news by claiming the top spot over Ford and GM as the price rises and causes market cap to rise. It's not...
I think it is just going to need time as they refine their ad revenue stream and improve their ability to deliver video ads. It will take a bit...
Continuing to add to this notebook. Added a full tutorial on how to use the Stock Simulator on Investopedia to practice strategies with paper...
I've added pages to the Fundamental Analysis section and Market Posture section. Added (CAPM) The Capital Asset Pricing Model: an Overview and...
Fancy meeting you here. :D Welcome.
Welcome to the boards @Cherchamp If you have not already check out the Education forum. Lots of good stuff there. Also check out the live chat...
The first question on buy/sells off any exchange is due to currency differences. Rates change minute by minute. Some companies on foreign...
I think the difference is that you are accessing direct through trading view. Gil is accessing it through the stockaholics website. You need to... claims to have real time data but I have not confirmed it personally. Downside to this...
Welcome Global Guy. Good intro there. Looking forward to hearing more on your strategy. Maybe you could go into the penny stock forum or the...
The short answer is yes to both scenarios. It does not happen very often but could. If a stock is at 11 and you put a limit order for 10 and the...
Added A Traders Guide to Using Fractals to the technical analysis section of the notebook.!ApcKqV3khCnAgblUCDJMKqrD0RV_yA
That is correct. Then it takes either the buyer to move up to the ask or the seller to move down to the bid. That activity over and over during...
It's almost there. I am looking for a dip under 12 to add to my long term position. I put a buy order for today just in case I get the dip....