Separate names with a comma.
I'm giddy as a schoolgirl, too! My years-long Ford holds are finally peaking above ground!
Remember this old stalwart?
I can see it hitting 40's easily. Poor holders.
I dipped my toe in at 61 today. Just 10 shares, but yeah. *Going to have "DON'T TRY TO CATCH A FALLING KNIFE, SYYNIK!"* tattooed on my forehead....
Oh for crying out what?!?! (Too busy working/watching GME lately)
I set a limit buy each morning. So far, it hasn't come down to trigger.
Wow, watching that waterfall down to $74.... If I'd been braver........
:rofl::rofl::rofl: Oh my god, thanks for the belly laugh! I needed it today.
Other than my summer spent "trading" pink sheets, I've lost more money by selling too early. D'oh!
Back in the old HotStockMarket days, I was in the chat room for hours daily with a bunch of traders. There was one guy who had gotten laid off 3,...
Absolutely-I've learned TONS here. When I was new, though? o_O:rolleyes::eek::eek2: NEWBIES: Listen to us; If you MUST jump in, don't use any...
:hmm::hmm::hmm: Here's the thing, though--how many are going to flat out refuse to sell? I wish I could stay home and watch the action and make...
"Mr. Gil, Melvin on lines 1, 2, 3, and 8 He's screaming on lines 2 and 3, and sobbing on line 8."
--Could be the truth, or could be a tactic meant to make people stop buying and trying force a squeeze- Personally, I don't believe for one...
I know the pandemic brought a LOT of people out, let's hope some of them survive getting their faces ripped off.
I'd say she has as much taste in movie scripts as she does in men.
Oh. My. God. :rolleyes2::rolleyes2::rolleyes2:
I swore off trading.....until this past week. I mean, I have a pulse! I couldn't resist! Did you *SEE* what was going on??? Wow, what a rush....