Separate names with a comma.
Like the mighty Oak tree swaying in the wind. Mr. market can give Tom bumps on the chin. The roots are deeply planted within, it happened before...
If you stop and think about it Tom. It's a billionaires pissing contest. Our boy has already forced the major automakers into a mountain of debt...
NIO has been added to at 10.05 Have a bunch of APEs running around at 2.05. The World is still wobbling and the blood is on the weber grille. $$$$$
The market is acting like the "mid term" election results have been released. :lauging: Still trading my way into oblivion. Dodging the freight...
Great stuff. Shout out at the longterm holders. $$$$$$$$$$$$
Tesla Apple are gone. Thank you for the moneyyyyy. Nio is it. So far.
Another LOVELY day.
We could use my fun little NIO position as a example of things that can go *POOF* :lauging:
Watching the World do its Thang. [MEDIA]
Apple rarely misses if ever. Their number is the one I want to see. Tesla barely missed as was to be expected.
This one is for the Boss. WXZY. [MEDIA]
Shot the monkey out of the tree at 2.63.
Watching the APE climb the tree. The other 2 are on watch. DEFENSE..
APE is up from the dirt nap and starting to pound its chest. Once he's up the tree far enough the trigger is locked and loaded. That's about as...
Tesla under 200 would be nice. DOW 25,000 would be OK to.
We live in the modern age my friend. Most of market action is simply computers, M.F.T. programs. MOAT is a word few understand.
Tesla dropping to the defense zone. Have to sell at a slight gain and then replace lower or lower later. This works until it doesn't. Holding...
30 yr. Fixed Mortgage rates 7.22% 10 yr. T bills 4.172% Welcome back to the 80s. :confused: